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Answering Amen During Bentching

Can one only answer amen during bentching, if one is inbetween the first beracah and the second beracah and one hears someone finish the first berachah. Answer: Yes, this is the accepted custom. Sources: Shu”t Bztel Hachochma 4:42, see there for a lengthy explanation of the rules of hefsek in all parts of bentching for […]

Herbal Drops without Kosher Certification

I got some herbal drops from FLORIS (Valerian) – and only realized at home that there was no heksher on the bottle/package. I am after a heart valve replacement operation and have problems with high blood pressure (anything under 160 is great – and sometimes it’s over 200). And sleeping at night. And have real […]

Removing Eggs from Water on Shabbos

Is it permissible for Sephardim to remove eggs from a pot of water on Friday night, Shabbat to put in refrigerator for Shabbat morning. Is this borer? The eggs were cooked before Shabbat. Answer: Yes, the eggs are large, distinct items and not considered to be in a “mixture” with the water, and therefore there […]

Firearms and Self Defense for Women

Thank you for your timely response about firearms. Could you please provide some halachic sourcessources regarding women legally carrying or getting trained in firearms for self – defense during a home invasion or when walking in the street (Chas V’sholom). Besides firearms, there is also the potential for a woman to learn self – defense, […]

Bracha on Thunder and Lightning

Kavod Harav, My friend told me that one can only make the bracha over lightning, when one sees the actual bolt of lightning, and not the merely the flash. Is this true? I also heard that if the lighting and thunder come in quick succession, then one only recites one bracha, for ashkenazim. Is this […]

Incomplete Salting of Meat

What happens if after one finished the koshering meat/chicken, they remember that they forgot to put salt on one area? Answer: The Shulchan Aruch 69:4 rules that preferably one should salt the meat on both sides, but if one failed to do so, the meat is kosher. However, the Rama rules that under normal circumstances one […]

Meaty Blender on Pareve Soup

If I cooked a parev soup in a parev saucepan but liquidised it while it was still hot with a meaty liquidiser with a metal blade can I eat the soup with cheese? Answer: If the liquidiser was clean from remnants, and not used in 24 hours for meat, the soup may be eaten with […]