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Purchasing Israeli Produce

Shalom. When exactly can I start purchasing Israeli produce, here in Chutz La’Aretz? Thank You. Answer: Israeli fruit from Israel will still be from the Seventh year, even into the 8th year. The classification of Shmittah fruit is determined by the fruits sprouting, so even if it is picked in the 8th year it would […]

Tshuva for past Sexual Sins

Question: I have a question regarding a female baal teshuva doing repentance properly. If she did extensive teshuva to G-d regarding past sexual sins with boyfriends, is it necessary for her to reach out to these ex-boyfriends to ask for forgiveness from them too? I know we are not supposed to embarrass baal teshuvas – would […]

Bible Question

Anyone can ask any question concerning the laws of the Torah? Genesis 9:4 But, flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat. (The prohibition of consuming the flesh with its life blood in it) – There are no other ways to translate this law from Hebrew to other languages? Could you write down […]

Checking Apples

Shavoua tov Rav, Subjets: Checking foods / Guerout in the U.S.A 1 – Checking foods – Apples At the bottom of the apple appears sometimes a kind of a white net which doesn’t go through into the core. Sometimes there is a kind of purple/black round thing and stuck in it. Is it a spider? […]

Birchot Krias Shma after Zman Tefila

Hi i woke up after zeman teffila can i still say berchot shema? Answer: One who missed zman tefilla [4 hours of day] because of some unavoidable reason [overslept] may say birchot krias shma until midday [halachic chaztos]. Otherwise, one should not say the brachos after zman tefilla. Sources: See Mishna Brura 58:26, Biur Halacha […]

Agent’s Fee

I work as a property rental agent . Meaning I find qualified tenants for different landlords and sign a 12 months lease with them. Should they not pay 6 months rent before vacating the property I most find another qualified tenant for the landlord at no charge . The general fee / cost to the […]