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Moving a burial after internment for 40 years?

Question: My wife was nifter in 2017. After placing a matzayva a year after, I noticed the grave behind her was someone I worked with and knew had serious mental issues and attempts at suicide. I actually visited this person when she was admitted to a mental hospital. On a later visit, I noticed that […]

Tefilla Btzibbur and Rechilus

Question: I attend a shul where there is a small minyan, often only ten people. It is very important to me that all ten should be davening in order to have tefilla btzibbur (MB 90:28). One of the people there was specifically asked by the gabbai not to daven elsewhere before coming. However, he didn’t […]

Passover story passage question

Question: Rabbi, in the Passover story, what does this passage mean: “Throughout all Egypt, the dust turned into lice. But when the magicians tried to produce lice by their secret arts, they could not.” Could the magicians not prodice lice, because only Hashem can create or take away life? Answer: True, but more specifically because […]

Shlomo building the 1st Temple

Question: Akeidas Yitzchak 50 asks why Shlomo was allowed to build the Temple when he worshipped idols and was compared unfavourably with his father. He answers by saying that G-d was referring to the Moshiach ben David not Shlomo who would build the Temple. G-d never instructed Shlomo to build the Temple, but allowed him […]

Why does everyone learn arvei pesachim with the Rashbam, why not Rashi?

Question: Why does everyone learn arvei pesachim with the rashbam, why not rashi? Answer: From what I have seen, the reason for this is because Rashi on Arvei Pesachim is a very concise commentary of what Rashi heard from his Rebbi R”I ben Yakar. (See Rashbam Pesachim 109: D”H Dhainu). The Rashbam is based on […]

Tzadkim with multiple wives

Question: How can we relate to the fact that Klal Yisroel’s greatest had more than one wife? Our understanding of marriage and kedusha is based on total oneness and total exclusivity. Every description that we hear about marriage has that at its core: Adam & Chava, the kruvim, the oneness of our relationship with Hashem […]

Discarding MEZUZAH case

Question: If a mezuzah case is used for a mezuzah which is wrapped in wax paper, and one wants to discard the mezuzah case. How should the mezuzah case be discarded? Remember the mezuzah case here is not protecting the mezuzah, the mezuzah is wrapped in wax paper and the case is covering that?   […]

Washing when eating mezonos

Question: Hello, I am new to washing halacha and was wondering whether one would wash for the following: Oatmeal Gluten free cake/cookies/bread (assuming one eats enough to qualify as a “meal’s worth–even if just cake). Granola bars Thank you very much Answer: Under the assumption that you mean oatmeal in a bowl, we do not […]

Is microblading and micro shaping allowed

Question: I was reading a Jewish weekly magazine this past shabbos and saw an ad for microblading for eyebrows. I was surprised to see this since from my understanding microblading is in essence a form of tattooing and I understood that it’s not allowed al-pi-Halacha. I would appreciate a psak if this is allowed and […]

Milky plastic utensil for hot soup

Question: My son served up hot chicken soup with a milky plastic ladle. Can the ladle still be used? Answer: Thank you for your question. The ladle should not be used, because now it contains both milky and meaty taste. Aplastic ladle can not be koshered, therefore you don’t have much of a choice but […]

האם לתת את מחצית השקל למוסדות או לעניים ?

שלום רב, מה שאתה אומר יש בזה הגיון, אמנם המנהג הוא לתת המחצית השקל לצדקה (ע’ שערי תשובה ס’ תרצ”ד סק”ב). אגב יש מעלה לתת צדקה להחזקת התורה, ולעניים לומדי תורה, ע’ יו”ד רנ”א סע’ ט”ז, וחכמ”א ס’ קמ”ה סע’ ז’). פורים שמח

Cooking food in oven together with chicken gravy

Question: Hi What is the status of food cooked in the oven at the same time as an open meat dish with gravy. I cooked a crumble at the same time as my chicken in gravy was baking in the oven uncovered. Is the crumble now fleishik? if I eat the crumble do I need […]

Hilchos Losh and Melaben

Question: Hi, I have a few questions regarding Losh. Is mixing spices into mayonnaise considered losh? According to the opinion of R’ Moshe Feinstein that mixing two things with the same texture is not considered Losh, is Chrayne and Mayonnaise considered the same texture? What about a liquid into mayonnaise such as lemon juice, since […]

Drinking coffee in middle of shachris. Selling shiur downloads

Question: I have seen people in Shul drinking coffee during the entire shachris. Is this okay? I assume they made a brocha before and have no health issues.  Also, I see some rabbis sell digital downloads of lectures given many years ago in public. I learned that one is supposed to teach Torah for free, […]

frozen food

Question: hello, Some fruits have bug warnings–like blueberries this past summer. Are frozen certified berries still ok? frozen blueberry blintzes? Answer: Berries that indeed have infestation issues need a reliable certification even when sold frozen, in order to ensure that the washing was done correctly. Regarding frozen blintzes, they need to have a reliablecertification, which […]


Question: What is the best method to clean a plastic table cloth cover on sHABBOS with water? Can a slightly moisten paper towel be used or regular moisten towel? Answer: The best way to clean a plastic tablecloth on shabbos would be to spill some water on the plastic, rub the spots lightly to dislodge […]

Product sold as Kasher for Pesach when it wasn’t

Question: Lichvod Harav Fleishman, We ordered a carton of meat from a meat sale on Chanukah. The meat was advertised as כשר לפסח. We purchased such a large amount (250 Shekel) specifically for פסח, as we do not make meat except on Yom Tov, generally. When it arrived, we searched well but could find any […]

Doctor appointment on Chol Hamoed

Question: Hello, Which days are chol hoamoed in 2021? Is it permitted to have a (non emergency–just a physical) doctor’s appointment during that time? Answer: Chol Hamoed in chutz la’aretz will be from March 29- April 4. It is permitted to schedule a doctors appointment because there is no melacha involved the actual appointment. May […]

Speaking Loshon Horah about a non yiras Shamayim

Question: Gut vog, In Sefer “Chofetz Chaim” perek 4, halacha 7, the Chofetz Chaim says that “if a person has no yiras shamayim and is consistently on the wrong path (e.g. a non frum person), it is permitted to speak lashon hara about them.” The Chofetz Chaim continues: “this halacha is relevant to a sinner […]