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Wetness on body during tefilla

Question: Does a person have to make sure when going to the bathroom before davening and in general that the מקום המילה is clean and what about shabbos? Is it a problem if by mistake urine get on our body? Answer: There should be no need for a person to check himself there, as it […]

Being photographed by a Non-Jew on Shabbos

Question: Shalom. A non-Jew enters a Shul on Shabbos, Yom Tov, etc… and begins to photograph or take video of our Davening for a legitimate purpose (Documentary, Research, etc…). Is this permitted? What if it happens inside a person’s house (i.e, Shabbos meal, etc..,)? Thank you. Answer: From a strictly halachic angle, technically if we […]

Outing during Availus

Question: Is one permitted to go to a ballgame during availus? Answer: Without getting into the issue weather one should or shouldn’t attend a ballgame, regarding aveilus, it is hard to give an exact answer because it depends on your situation. If you have a need to go, then regarding “tiyul” it is permitted, because […]

Tzaar Ba’alei Chaim

Question: During the hot summer months, taking the trash out too early (for pickup) could attract animals. Does spraying around the garbage bags (to repel them) with ammonia, other toxic substances, etc… before it is taken out to the curb present a problem of Tzaar Ba’alei Chaim? Thank you. Answer: It is permitted ,because you […]

May a seller offer a reward on a sale, which he explicitly limits only to cash (not credit) sales?

Question: May a seller offer a reward on a sale, which he explicitly limits only to cash sales? Is the buyer’s forfeiting the receipt of the reward in exchange for delayed payment considered ribbis? Answer: On one hand your question seems to be similar to “psika” because you are offering the customer two differant prices. […]

Checking Teffilin to make sure that they are black

Question: Does a person have to keep checking his ritzuas and battim to make sure their black or his he יוצא as long as פרשיות are כשר Answer: A person has to make sure that the ritzuas and batim of his tefillin are indeed black, and it is not enough that the parshios are kasher. […]

Shaila The Three weeks

Question: Dear Rabbi Thank you so much for your kindness and help. I ask if background or incidental music is permitted during The Three Weeks e.g. programs with incidental music via radio, internet, or other etc. I listen and watch programs and other media not doing so to listen to the background music but often […]

New t-shirt in the beginning of the three weeks.

Question: May my 11 year old daughter wear new t-shirts that were ordered before the three weeks, but arrived in the beginning of the three weeks? Answer: During the three weeks it is permitted because it is not something that would require makng a shecheyanu on it.  

Drinking water in order to swallow a pill on a fast day

Question: Is one allowed to drink some water to swallow a medically prescribed pill on 17th of Tammuz? Answer: It depends on the reason that you are taking the pill. If it is because you are not well, then you are allowed to take the pill with some water, because a person that is sick […]

is conquest of land considered to be like stealing

Question: Is conquest of the land of Israel considered to be theft? Answer: Your question is the topic of the first Rashi in chumash. Rashi says that the reason why the torah starts with the creation of the world, is to justify the fact that the Jews conquered Eretz Yisroel. Just in case the nations […]

Women dancing at a wedding behind a mechitza when man is watching

Question: When women are dancing at a wedding on the women’s side, and there is a man at the entrance watching them, is it permitted for them to continue dancing while he’s watching? Answer: It is permitted for them to continue dancing. It is not lifnei iver because they are not doing anything to cause […]

Cooked frozen vegetables in a milk pot, then strained them in a meat strainer. Is the strainer treif?

Question: A house guest cooked frozen vegetables in a milk pot (no onions), but then strained them in a plastic meat strainer. IS that strainer now treif? Do we have to throw it out? Answer: No, the strainer is still kosher. The reason is because we can assume (unless we know otherwise)  that the pot […]

Has a big Rabbi furnished you with an opinion regarding #47211 “Working with a Catholic priest”?

Question: On June 4, 2018 I received a message that included, “I am not sure if this is indeed a concern or not, and I had the point send to a big Rabbi, but it will take a few days for me to receive an answer on this.” Has a big Rabbi furnished you with […]

Did Josiah pray to God

Question: in Second Kings 22:19 because your heart was softened and you humbled yourself before the LoRD when you heard what I decreed against this place and its inhabitants-that it will become a desolation and a curse–and because you rent your clothes and wept before Me, I for My part have listened-declares the Lord. 20 […]

abandoned property of a tenant

Question: I had a tenant that stopped paying rent. After serving him an eviction notice, he disappeared and left furniture, books etc behind. It has since been a year, I have tried to contact him, but to no avail. Are the things he left behind considered hefker? Answer: Answer by Horav Y. Fleishman shlit”a They […]

False judgement between two people only:

Question: in referrance to Does embarrassment also count, if it’s not done in a public area (amongst a group of people). For instance, an embarrassment occurring between only 2 people. The embarrassment to oneself basically. Could such be compared to death (from false humiliation) as well? Or must be towards a crowd (only) to be […]

Photography for non tznius fashion blog

Question: Hi Someone in my community asked me to take photos for them for their fashion blog. The clothing they are wearing are not tznius at all. Am I allowed to take photos for them? Do you think it’ll be encouraging them to dress untznius? She will be paying me and I really need money […]

China dishes, unknown if used for milchig or fleishig not used for 10 years

Question: china dishes that have a smooth coated finish-unknown if used for milchig or fleishig–never used together–they havent been used in over ten years—-can they be kashered? do they need kashering after such a long time? Answer: They can be used after kashering them 3 times, meaning that each dish should be immersed in boiling […]

People judge and embarassment

Question: Why does G-d allow people to constantly judge an innocent person, such as me. We can never ask G-d why, but just trying to understand. Judging results, in an act known as humiliation. Plus, humiliation results in act known as “death” – Since, humiliation is extremely painful. A rabbi once said, whatever happens is […]

Ktav for Sta”m

Question: Shalom. What exactly is Ktav “Vellish”/Script? What are it’s origins and when was it first used? How come Sephardim who use Vellish script (for Tefillin, Mezuzot, etc…) don’t use Ktav Bet Yosef, if the Bet Yosef who is the Mechaber was himself Sephardi? Thank you. Answer: The “Vellish” script is otherwise known as the […]

Music permitted in resturaunt/take-out store?

Question: Is it permitted to play backround music in a cafe/take-out store? Here is my question: – The actual hetter to listen to music altogether is not clear; seemingly it is prohibited due to the gzeirah of Chazal in Gittin 7 for “Zecher L’churban” – It appears that today’s poskim are more lenient (maybe based […]

Segula for having children by saying Perek Shira for 40 days

Question: Hi. I have heard that reciting perek shira every day for 40 consecutive days is a segula for having children. Is this true? And if so does it in entail reciting the whole perek shira every day or just different portions. Thanks Answer:   It is difficult to say anything about this segula, because […]

Why is wrong to believe what someone says about someone else?

Question: Why is it wrong to believe someone when they say something about someone else? Isn’t that an example of judging unfavorably (assuming that the person is lying)? Why shouldn’t we take their word that they are telling the truth, and assume it is like we were there themselves, and whatever they said and thought […]

How can we pray for something if we don’t ever really know whats good for us

Question: how can we pray for something if we don’t ever really know whats good for us meaning why should someone pray for more money maybe its not good for him to have money now its possible g-d has other plans for him so why are we told to pray for something when we need […]

How to distribute money to ones married children.

Question: Chalom Someone got an unexpected sum of money. He wants to distribute it to his children all of them are married with children (one with 7 one with three and one with 2 children) Only one of the grandchildren is bas mitzvah. What would the best way to figure out the amount to be […]