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Calculating the shloshim regarding Yom Tov

Question: My beloved mother was niftar on Thursday, Yud Gimmel Iyar, Thursday, May 4, 2023 and the levaya was that day, Thursday. We started sitting Shiva that day. Shavuous came in on Friday, May 26. Which day would the shloshim be? Thank you so much!   Answer: Hamakom yinachem eschem btoch shar aveilei Tzion V’Yerushalayim. […]

Returning books after someone has died

Question: Over a decade ago I borrowed two books from an acquaintance, and she passed away before I could return them. I tried to contact her son a couple of times but he did not respond. Am I obligated to hold on to the books or can I dispose of them?   Answer: Hello, Before […]

Feeding animals on Shabbos

Question: Is one allowed to toss pieces of challa out onto the grass for birds on Shabbos (it stays on private property)?   Answer: Hello, There are many that do this, however numerous poskim say that it  incorrect to do on Shabbos. The reason being that we don’t feed animals or birds that are not […]

Manager or Boss Discretion for overlooking or discounting

Question: Shalom uVrachah thanks for your wonderful website two related similar questions please: 1. The supermarket usually offers a Motzaei Shabbos discount on fresh chicken because the date of expiry means it has now a short shelf life. One Motzaei Shabbos I asked the cashier about the discount and he said that the front desk […]

What’s a more powerful teffilah

Question: What is a more powerful tefilloh? Verbalizing personal teffilos outside shul. Or davening in your heart only… one more preferable? Answer: Hello, It is hard to understand what you mean to ask. There is definite preference to davening in Shul as there is kedusha there, the same way there is a preference to davening […]

Putting aside maaser money for children’s weddings

Question: I saw this was touched upon in previous answers, but I would like to clarify. We have three daughters in shidduchim, and unfortunately nothing in savings, as tuition and regular expenses uses up all of our salaries. Additionally, we don’t even quite make enough monthly to cover everything. Can we set aside 100% of […]

After laparoscopic hysterectomy is there need Mikva. Had menopause over 20 yrs.

Question: After laparoscopic hysterectomy must I go Mikva? Was 10 yrs menopause   Answer: Hello, It is hard for me to give an answer on this as it might depend on how the surgery was done. In the worst event, the woman would go to the mikva, without saying a bracha, and without a need […]

Can Shnieim b’mikrah v’echad targum be done in English

Question: Ha Rav, can you do this positive commandment by reading the Parsha in English only. Each passuk twice? With the English commentary in the Chumash? Will a person have fulfilled your obligation?   Answer: Hello, It is a great idea to learn the parsha with the English translation, this way you will understand the […]

Uber eats/food delivery

Question: Hi Rabbi, is it allowed for a jew to work as a food delivery person? Thanks   Answer: Please see the following link which discusses a similar question. Here is a copy of the post. Best wishes Question: I’ve been wanting to deliver for a food delivery app for a while (to make […]

Nutritional Supplement kashrus

Question: I was recommended a specific over the counter dietary supplement to take, but it does not have a hechsher. The complete list of ingredients is: sodium (as Sodium bicarbonate), vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), magnesium (magnesium hydroxide), bioflavonoid complex, rice flour and vegetable cellulose. It says it is vegetarian capsules. Does something like this need […]