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Saying Tehillim after Chazot

Question: Can a person learn Tanach and/or say Tehillim for praying purposes after chazot? Can I follow the Chatzot of the Levush?   Answer: Hello, According to the basic halacha, it is permitted[1] to learn Tanach even at night, however there is a preference not a prohibition to learn Tanach during the daytime. However according […]

shaving on ROSH CHODESH

Question: Is shaving on Rosh Chodesh permissible? Answer:  Hello, Halachically it is permissible to shave on Rosh Chodesh, however many people abstain from shaving due to the tzava’ah of R’ Yehuda Hachassid who writes that to be careful about this. Best wishes Sources:  משנה ברורה סימן רס ס”ק ז יש מקומות שאין מגלחין ואין נוטלין […]

Repeating Birkas Hamazon

Question: Bsd If one realized he concluded the first brocha of birkas hamazon with “al haaretz v’al hamazon” and did not correct himself b’toch kdei dibur, seemingly the whole brocha should be repeated, correct? And what if the person didn’t know and instead returned to the middle of that brocha (instead of the pesicha) and […]

When Erev Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh Coincide

Question: I saw in the Kitzur S”A that one can get a haircut and get married this Friday when it is both Erev Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh, even though one is keeping the first half of Sefiras HaOmer. 2 Questions: 1.  Do Ashkenazim Pasken like that? Can one also listen to music as well? Thank […]

Trimming moustache Chol Hamoed Pesach

Question: The Mishna Berura (531-21) paskens that one may trim his moustache, even areas that do not interfere with eating, on chol hamoed. Is there a problem due to sefira restrictions chol hamoed Pesach, or are sefira restrictions lifted during chol hamoed just as music is permitted? Are nose hairs the same as a moustache? […]

Biodegradeable vegetable bags

Question: When shopping at Trader joes they use biodegradable bags for their fruits and vegetables xan I use them for vegetables and fruits that I will be using for Pesach?   Answer: Hello, Plastic bags don’t need special kosher for Passover supervision. Therefore you can use their bags on Pesach. Best wishes Sources:  

If something does not happen is it from above

Question: If I take a situation like applying for a job and it does not result in success is this from above. Is this telling me something? What I am trying to get at is this. Is there anything that tells us how many attempts we should have at something generally? The example here may […]

Putting plants outside to acclimate them on Chol Hamoed

Question: I have grown seedlings indoors. I know I can’t plant them outside during Chol Hamoed. Can I put them outside to get acclimated to being outdoors on Chol Hamoed without planting them? Answer: Hello, It can be done on Chol Hamoed, but only if it couldn’t be done beforehand. Best wishes Sources:  

Questionable eyeshadow on shaytel prepared for pesach

Question: I had my Shaytel washed and set for Pesach by someone new. When she was done, I noticed that the part for the Shaytel which was middleparted ( it’s a pretty new Shaytel) didn’t look right. She took out a pallet of eyeshadow and put some whitish eyeshadow on it to enhance the look […]

Kashering kitchen for Pesach

Question: Is everyone mechuyov to kasher their kitchen counters for pesach or is it enough just to cover them? Do you also have to kasher the sinks if you put in a sink insert?   Answer: This is the minhag, to kasher the counter tops and sinks, even though they will be covered anyway. Besides […]