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Repurposing an old toaster over before Passover

Question: We have an old toaster oven that hasn’t been used for close to twenty years. When we first bought it, we used it just a few times for dairy them put it into storage. Now, for the days going into Passover when we’re turning over our kitchen it would be very helpful if we […]

Owning a dira in Eretz Yisroel – 1/2 days of Yom Tov

Question: I’ve heard many people say if one owns a dirah in Eertz Yisroel that one can keep 1 day Yom Tov. Is there a mekor for such a psak?   Answer: Hello, While I can’t vouch that there isn’t someone who might say this, however in a general context it is hard to believe. […]

Rabbi is sick – what do you say or call the person who is davening in his place?

Question: Rabbi, Our Rabbi has Covid. People in our shul have stood on the Bima and are davening in his place, saying a sermon and doing the responsibilities of the Rabbi. I know the term “shel’e’ach” – but it is not that. We say Yasher Koach. From the Bima…how do you call him? Is there […]

I moved the candle and or match after lighting candles Friday night. Was it assur to do so?

Question: Ha Rav, I moved the candle and or match after lighting candles Friday night. Was it assur to do so? I did not need the space. It was so it would not catch on fire.   Answer: Essentially after you were mekabel shSahShabbos you shouldn’t move the match, however if it was done in […]

Possible corn starch and glazing corn syrup

Question: Good morning. I want to buy this product for Pesach. Should there be a concern that this fish could have been packed with corn starch and/or could have been glazed in corn syrup. Thank you very much.   Answer: Hello, While I can not see the link that you attached, however in general […]

Buying gift cards that cannot be used on the spot

Question: The local grocery store sells gift cards to shop in their store. The way it works is you buy a 100-dollar gift card today and then next time you come in then you get 110 dollars, but you cannot use that day obviously because then you could just buy one and get a discount […]

Female missed parshas Zachor in Shul

Question: A female missed parshas Zachor in Shul. She wasn’t well. Actually, in any case, Shabbos mornings, she usually does not go to Shul and davens at home. Usually, for parshas Zachor she goes to hear it at an afternoon reading for ladies. She remembered on Purim (after davening shacharis shemoneh esrei) that she hadn’t […]

Washing from the bathroom and for bread

Question: Hi, If one came out of the bathroom and is washing his hands with a cup and also knows that right after he will be eating bread what should he do? Wash twice? Wash once (if so, how would he wash)? Say Al Netilas Yadayim and then Hamotzei and then Asher Yatzar after? Say […]

Passover diced potatoes

Question: Cross Valley brand makes a fresh diced potato. I wanted to know if it could be used on Passover.   Answer: Hello, I don’t have updated information, but in previous years the Star-k used to write that peeled potatoes, carrots celery, etc., to prevent browning use citric acid, which is derived from dextrose, which […]

Mechaber siman 110 regarding: Employees right to daven

Question: Siman 110 mb sk 12 allows an employee to daven mincha with a minyan (assuming that is common practice in that place). Does this also apply if: 1. The employer is a non jew 2. The employer is non observant (and therefore perhaps makpid, see mechaber) 3. If the employee has paid break time […]

Wearing a rain cover on a hat on Shabbos

Question: is it permissible to walk in area of no eruv with a plastic rain protector around your black hat? it protects the hat and your head from seeping in and getting soaked   Answer: Hello, You are asking a controversial question, numerous poskim including R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l do not permit it. Their reasoning […]

Who gets maftir a chosson by his ufruf ora person that has yarhzeit?

Question: Who gets maftir a chosson by his ufruf or a person that has yarhzeit? Answer: Hello, Before answering your question, it should be noted that both the chosson and the yahrtziet are not a chiyuv to specifically get the maftir. They both should get an aliya, but there is no obligation for any one […]

Home improvements during Sefira

Question: Can a person make home improvements like painting or buying new furniture during Sefira?   Answer: Hello, It is permitted to paint one’s home or do other types of home improvements during sefira, (see sources). Regarding buying new furniture, there is discussion among the poskim regarding saying Shehechiyanu during sefira, and many poskim permit […]