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Who gets maftir a chosson by his ufruf ora person that has yarhzeit?

Question: Who gets maftir a chosson by his ufruf or a person that has yarhzeit? Answer: Hello, Before answering your question, it should be noted that both the chosson and the yahrtziet are not a chiyuv to specifically get the maftir. They both should get an aliya, but there is no obligation for any one […]

Home improvements during Sefira

Question: Can a person make home improvements like painting or buying new furniture during Sefira?   Answer: Hello, It is permitted to paint one’s home or do other types of home improvements during sefira, (see sources). Regarding buying new furniture, there is discussion among the poskim regarding saying Shehechiyanu during sefira, and many poskim permit […]

Why did and does G*d create or allow suffering?

Question: Shalom. Thank you for answering my question. Also, if you have any suggestions for books that answer this question, please let me know. Take care   Answer: Hello, The question you are asking is age old, and has been asked even by King David in Psalms. There are a number of books on this […]

Matanos Le’Evyonim through someone else

Question: When giving Matanos le’Evyonim if I give the money to an individual or an organization to distribute the Tzedakah do they also get a merit of the mitzvah.   Answer: Hello, Yes the person you give it through, since he also assisted in the mitzva will be merited. However have no fear, Hashem has […]

Collecting tzedkah for a yeshiva and pocketing it to cover owed wages

Question: Can someone who works for a yeshiva, and is owed a lot of back pay, collect for the yeshiva let’s say on Purim, and pocket what is owed without ever giving it to the yeshiva. I am aware of the Rama in Yoreh Deah 253:12 that doesn’t allow debt to be collected from tzedaka […]

Eating after Shabbos candle lighting…

Question: I appreciate your response, but that created another question. I was taught that girls, who don’t light candles are Mekabel Shabbos with the mother’s candle-lighting..and so they cannot eat and drink after candle-lighting…Is this not so? Can a girl not be Mekabel Shabbos with her mother’s lighting?? that she can still enjoy a piece […]

Visiting grave of spouse after remarriage

Question: Can a widow after remarriage visit the grave of her former husband?   Answer: Hello, This idea is not brought down in the basic halacha seforim, however it is mentioned regarding a custom that a widow goes to the grave of her first husband before remarrying, and that after the wedding she doesn’t go […]

Remembering the BAIS HAMIKDASH

Question: I’m painting my home. Where do I leave an empty spot for Bais Hamikdash? By my entrance or by my table where I eat? Should I frame it as a remembrance, i.e. the non-painted empty spot? How big of a space should it be, in inches or feet? MAY THE BAIS HAMIKDASH and Jerusalem […]

My wife isn’t dressing the way I want her to

Question: Hi I am married to my wife b”h we have a few children, but I have a problem. My wife dresses in clothing that is weird and very simple, and extremely unappealing to me. She also doesn’t put make-up on only for Shaboss or simchus. I asked her politely and explained to her about […]

Bar Mitzva seuda bo bayom?

Question: If a boy’s birthday falls on Friday, does one have to make the meal Thursday evening (bentching after Tzeis hakochovim) bo bayom? Or can one make the meal on Friday night? Answer: Hello, Essentially the seuda should be made on Thursday evening, unless one doesn’t have a choice, or this is your family’s minhag. […]

Eating after candle-lighting on Shabbos

Question: Is there a Halacha or is it minhag that one may or may not eat after lighting Shabbos licht? Does it apply to everybody or just the mother/women/girls?   Answer: Hello, After being mekabel Shabbos, we are not allowed to eat or drink until we first hear kiddush. A married woman, or single girl, […]

Kashrus – iruy kli rishon into tin containing a treif baby bottle

Question: Hi, When I became frum, my parents’ kashered their house. Recently, relatives who are Jewish but not shomer kashrus came over and brought a baby bottle with Similac formula and water in it. The people wanted to heat the bottle so they warmed water in a dairy pot, put the treif bottle in an […]

Inviting non-religious family to Shabbos meal and they will drive

Question: I am a baal teshuva, and my relatives are not yet religious. They know that we keep Shabbos and have festive Shabbos meals. I know that if I invite them for a Shabbos meal they will drive to me on Shabbos. I am afraid that if a long time elapses without me having invited them, […]

Working for company that does clinical trials

Question: Is one allowed to work for a company that does clinical trials Is testing drugs on humans that could potentially cause side effects something that is in the geder of the issur of causing pain to people?   Answer: Hello, It is permitted to work for such a company. Even if it could possibly […]

Baking cake in Meat oven, using milky utensils

Question: If cooking a parave item in a meaty oven (let’s say a cake), and one used milky utensils to make it. Would this present any issues (assuming that if being baked in a meaty oven, it would be best to use meat utensils, but in a case where this was not followed), would this […]

Jewish owned grocery store open on shabbos

Question: Can you but food from a grocery store that is owned by jews but it is open on shabbos   Answer: Hello, Although it is preferable to patronize those religious Jews who close their stores on Shabbos, for various reasons, nevertheless you may still buy in the store during the week. Best wishes