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Coloring clear water on Shabbos

Question: Can I put a liquid colored Tang into clear water on Shabbos? Answer: I is permitted, because you are not doing it in order to change the color, rather for the taste of the powder. It is however a preference to putting the powder into the cup or container before adding the water. Best […]

Is it allowed to use soup powder, to make soup on Shabbos

Question: Good Afternoon. I would be very grateful if the Rav, shlita, would kindly give a p’sak. Is it allowed to use chicken soup powder, eg, the Osem chicken soup powder, or the onion soup powder, or any other such soup powder, for the purposes of making a savory hot drink, cup of soup, on […]

Moser modaah for hanhagos tovos follow up

Question: In this post ( you wrote that if one was moser moda’ah on Erev Rosh Hashana then that can be matir a hanhaga tova. But what if one continued practicing a hanhaga tova that he started before Rosh Hashana after he was moser moda’ah and only is mischaret on the hanhaga tova in Kislev. […]

Beracha upon changes places

Question: Rav, In your response to this question back in 2011,did you mean that one would have to have in mind to change rooms,while bringing the tea with them to the other rooms? Or that one would have in mind to change rooms but leave the tea in the original room and come back […]

Hataras nedarim for Al Naharos Bavel

Question: If one started saying Al Naharos Bavel on a daily basis, is this considered a hanhaga tova which would require hataras nedarim in order to stop? Thank you.   Answer: Hello, Since not everyone says it nowadays and there are different minhagim about it, it would be considered a hanhaga tova. However, if you […]

Which bracha do we say when sucking the juice out of an orange?

Question: What is the bracha if you take a piece of orange and suck out the juice? What is the bracha if you take a piece of lemon and suck out the juice? Thank you!   Answer: Hello, You are asking a tough question. There is much controversy about this, do we look at the […]

Does a Metal Meat Thermometer need Tevila?

Question: If someone uses a metal thermometer to check the temperature of meat or any other hot food, does it need to be Toveled?   Answer: Hello, A meat thermometer does not need tevila. Although it does come in contact with the meat, the poskim say that since it doesn’t help the meat directly, rather […]

Vinegar from wine not mevushal

Question: I am making vinegar from non mevushal wine by letting it stand for several months (more than 9-12 months). After the wine has become vinegar, can a non-Jewish person move the bottle that contains it?  Answer: Hello, After the wine is vinegar it is no longer something that a gentile would pour in front […]

Using Shabbos candles to light other candles

Question: Rav, Can we light a Shabbos candle with another already lit Shabbos candle. For example; if one person lights a Shabbos candle? Could a second person light their match using the fire from the 1st person’s Shabbos candle? And then use this match to light their Shabbos candle? I know this would not be […]

Ading hot water to crock pot on Shabbos

Question: Is there any way, that one may add hot water from the urn to the crockpot of chulent on Shabbos…(e.g. like if the crockpot is set on low..and we see it is all dry on Shabbos morning)   Answer: Hello, Before answering your question, the heating element of the crock pot should preferably be […]

Making Mayonaise on Shabbat

Question: Can when make mayonnaise on shabbat?   Answer: Hello, Making mayonnaise on Shabbos is problematic, and should be prepared before Shabbos. The reason is because chazal were afraid that when one beats eggs on Shabbos it appears as if it is being prepared to cook them. Making mayonnaise involves beating the eggs until they […]

Forgot Yaaleh Veyavo on the second day of Rosh Chodesh by Mincha

Question: I forgot yaaleh veyavo at minchah so would i do a tashlumim at maariv or there is no point because then it is after rosh chodesh and not saying it anyway. I saw in Kitzur 21:7 not to repeat is that what we do practically and can be relied upon?   Answer: Hello, Yes […]

Accepting Questionable Money

Question: Lichvod HaRav, I am wondering if you can help me with the following: Many people in Chutz La’aretz and in Eretz Yisroel do various tricks to avoid paying taxes. Some people actively do tricks to avoid taxes and some people simply don’t claim their earnings. My first question is, is this considered stealing due […]

Lechem Mishna and cutting challah

Question: Does the challah need to be completely whole when making hamotzi at seudas shabbos or is it ok if one cuts through the loaf a bit before the bracha. I know people have a minhag to make a siman with the knife before the bracha but does that mean the loaf still needs to […]

Can We Use an LED Shabbat Candle

Question: I work for Jews with developmental disabilities. They don’t use real candles for Shabbat. Instead, it is a battery-operated candle that does NOT get hot. It is not incandescent or fluorescent. I think it is LED. It is something like this: Do they have on what to rely to say a brocha on […]