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Definition of a carrying an item on Shabbat

Question: Dear Rabbi I was wondering about the following. When carrying an item on Shabbat, what is the definition of an item which constitiues carrying? For example, let’s say there was some dirt in one’s pocket, would this be defined as carrying?   Answer: Hello, You’re asking a good question. The definition of carrying is […]

Waiting after eating pareve food baked in meaty oven

Question: In the morning, if I heat parve food in an oven that had been used for meat the night before does the food become fleishig? When I eat that food do I need to wait before eating dairy? Please include sources. Thank you.   Answer: Hello, The food heated up in the meaty oven, […]

Items used in past on Shabbat

Question: Hello, I have a question. I did not observe Sabbath until a few years ago even though I obviously knew that going in cars, etc. were transgressions. So, I own many things that are associated with these transgressions (e.g., clothes I wore in the car on Saturdays, blankets, coolers, etc. that traveled in the […]

Hefsek between bracha on candles and lighting

Question: If I started saying haneiros hallalu before lighting was it a hefsek and would I have to repeat berachah?   Answer: Hello, According to a number of Poskim, ( Minchas Yiztchok 4- 115 (4) and Kovetz Halachos (Chanukah 6-6) it is considered a hefsek, and it would require one to say the bracha again. […]

Suggesting a match to people that don’t act properly

Question: Is there a halachic (or other) problem with suggesting a match if one is not sure how careful one of the parties will be regarding halacha? (I heard once that if one is not sure if the couple will keep taharas hamishpacha, one should not suggest a match?) How far would this go? If […]

Drinking from a water bottle that was used for washing

Question: Hello, I used a hard plastic reusable water bottle to wash my hands when I was out and needed to daven. Am I allowed to use this bottle for drinking (refilling it with new water) or do I need to discard it? Thank you,   Answer: Hello, When a person washes thier hands for […]

OCD in the Kitchen

Question: This is a follow up question contained in this link: Unfortunately, my OCD continues to be triggered by kashrut issues. Since the weekend, I have had persistent doubt that some food heated in the oven was not kosher. Again, my wife who bought and prepared the food assures me it was and I […]

Cut sharp item with milky knife on meaty plate

Question: Someone took a milchig knife and sliced a lemon on a fleishig plate. The plate may have possibly been used for hot fleishig within 24 hours. What is the status of the utensils now?   Answer: Hello, We should l’chatchila be careful not to cut sharp things with a milchig knife on a fleishig […]

Saying Targum at night?

Question: Shalom Harav , Whats the Halacha regarding reading TARGUM at night during the week please?Ty Chazak Baruch   Answer: Hello, According to Kabbalah, a person should abstain from reading Mikra and Targum at night. However, halachically it is permitted, as stated on Mishna Berura Shar Hatzion 238-1, that although it is preferred not to learn […]