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Cut sharp item with milky knife on meaty plate

Question: Someone took a milchig knife and sliced a lemon on a fleishig plate. The plate may have possibly been used for hot fleishig within 24 hours. What is the status of the utensils now?   Answer: Hello, We should l’chatchila be careful not to cut sharp things with a milchig knife on a fleishig […]

Saying Targum at night?

Question: Shalom Harav , Whats the Halacha regarding reading TARGUM at night during the week please?Ty Chazak Baruch   Answer: Hello, According to Kabbalah, a person should abstain from reading Mikra and Targum at night. However, halachically it is permitted, as stated on Mishna Berura Shar Hatzion 238-1, that although it is preferred not to learn […]

Chanukah – What are the differences between Ashkenazim and Sephardim?

Question: Ha Rav, in reference to the holiday of Chanukah – What are the differences between Ashkenazim and Sephardim? May I ask that your sources be in English, please. Answer: Here are some of the differences between the Sefardim Ashkenazim regarding Chanukah. The Ashkenazim generally light a separate menorah for each man, whereas the Sefardim […]

Fragmented sefer leaving fragments

Question: I have a sefer with a hardcover binding, but the cover boards apparently have a fake leatherette plastic that is disintegrating and shedding fragments– these pieces–they have no kedushah? (dandruff like–sweeping up and throwable away with impunity)? Any problem amputating the cover and keeping the bound sefer? (no bizayon?) Answer: Hello, The fragments do […]

Halakha against non-compliance with the laws of the country

Question: is there any Halakha that forbids us to go against the law of the country we live in?   Answer: Hello, In general, there is a halacha called “dina dmalchusa dina” meaning that the law of the land is (often) binding in halacha. There are certain exceptions though. For example, if the government does […]

Is this Minute Maid Apple Juice Kosher?

Question: Hi, is Minute Maid apple juice kosher? Is has a hashgacha which is not usually considered good. The bottles/cans say it is 100% apple juice and the ingredients listed are pure filtered water, concentrated apple juice, less than 0.5% of calcium citrate (calcium source), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and potassium phosphate. Does Minute Maid […]


Question: Hi it’s me again.. The Rov said he has a answer to the question i asked about tehilim ( the question was, does one have to be careful to not have anyone in particular in mind when saying tehilim that discuss klalas etc.. since the Rama/ mishna berura say that there maybe a ch’sash […]

Adding a bit of olive oil before lighting shabbos candles

Question: Regarding the advantage of lighting shabbos candles with olive oil, can this be achieved with regular candles, by adding a bit of olive oil to them?   Answer: Hello, Although I haven’t seen anyone who mentions this idea, what you are writing seems to make sense. Although our candles nowadays give a nice and […]

Learn or Earn: Am I bound by my son’s Rebbe’s hashkafa?

Question: My son is close to completing a 4-year post-high school Bais Medrash program. The message from the Rosh Yeshiva is loud and clear: Every talmid (barring few exceptions) must become a full-time learner for life, and hence , he should expect to marry someone who can support him in Kollel. Is my son bound […]

Obligation to pay for unasked services

Question: Hi, We get magazine subscriptions delivered weekly to our home. Sometimes we get other magazines (that we aren’t subscribed to) delivered along with our subscriptions. I asked around, and they don’t belong to our neighbors. I’ve also reached out to the magazine company to let them know. My question is, if I get magazines […]

Making a Meat Dishwasher Pareve

Question: Our family recently stopped eating meat for health reasons. I have separate kitchens for meat and dairy. The meat dishwasher has not been used for about five months. I was wondering if there is any kashering method or amount of waiting that would allow me to change the status of this dishwasher permanently from […]

Personality influenced /determine by G-d

Question: Is a person’s personality influenced or determined by G-d.The personality traits a person has, not their character traits(ethics,morals).So I am referring here to things like if someone is a deep thinker,or very analytical or judges a lot of situations   Answer: Yes, to a degree a person’s personality traits are influenced by G-d. Hashem […]