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Eating meat with dairy food in a shopping bag on the table

Question: If someone is eating meat, and there is dairy in a shopping bag on the table, can one continue eating or does he need to remove the shopping bag from the table. Is the shopping bag considered a heker? Would a heker even work for a single person? If not, would it help if […]

opened box – can I assume it wasnt used?

Question: We ordered something similar to a crockpot from a local store (paying for a new item). When the store delivered it, it appears that it was opened before (box wasnt sealed, and instructions were missing). If the appliance looks basically clean, is there a reason that we would have to assume that it may […]

Can an employer charitable matching program count towards maaser kesafim?

Question: As an employee benefit, my employer will match ever dollar that I give to a registered charitable organization, up to a certain amount. Can this match help fulfill my maaser obligation as it is structured as an employee benefit and the non-jewish employer would not donate to a Jewish cause if it were not […]

Pouring hot water from pareve into dirty dairy sink

Question: I poured hot water from a parve pot (with boiled eggs inside) into a dairy sink, which presumably had dairy dishes inside (maybe dirty) Does the pouring of hot water and any steam change the status of anything? Thank you!   Answer: In retrospect it will not change the status of the pareve pot. […]

Shloshim that started on Chol Hamoed

Question: Someone who this year was buried on Chol Hamoed 19 Tishri. When does the shloshim end   Answer: Hello, The relatives of a person who was buried on Chol HaMoed, do not sit shiva until after the end of Yom Tov. However, regarding the shloshim, the thirty-day count starts from the day of the […]

Mashing potato on Shabbos

Question: I like to mash potatoes and beans from my cholent with the cholent soup. Can this be done on Shabbos as I’m eating bederech hachilah?   Answer: Hello, Yes, this can be done. What you are referring to is the opinion of the Rashba, that it is permitted to cut things into small pieces […]

Breaking matza into soup on Shabbos

Question: Can a person break matza into hot soup on Shabbos kli Shlishi? Pot to bowl #1, then pour soup into bowl #2 then break matza into soup.   Answer: Hello, Yes, this can be done. There is controversy among the poskim if “יש בישןל אחר אפיה”, if the prohibition against cooking on Shabbos applies […]

Eating a Kazayis of bread after dark on Friday night

Question: In Simon Resh Samach Zayin, Mishna Berurah Hei, the Mishnah Berurah quotes a Shita that holds one should eat a Kazayis of bread at “LEILA-night” on Friday night. Is “night” Tzais Hacochivim”? What time is “night” referring to? I know that the Mishna Berurah is referring to persons making Shabbos early, but it seems […]

When Shabbos falls around the earth?

Question: Shalom Rabbi, You ask an interesting question about when Shabbos falls around the world and across the seas. I believe Hashem answers the question with the fact that He does not exist in daylight savings time. It seems apparent that Hashem answered this question with the fact that Shabbos is based on resting on […]

Subscription mistakenly extended

Question: I paid for a subscription service that sells researched sales leads. they give 250 leads per account per month. I prepaid for 5 people for a year in 2021-2022. My subscription recently ended. For some reason the company owned privately (nochri) did not cancel access to my subscription. I know of the 1250 leads […]

Shmitta – Ha Rav, Do we still need to be concerned with Shmitta peels for compost?

Question: Ha Rav, Do we still need to be concerned with Shmitta peels (in the 8th year) of Avocado, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, bananas, lemons, tangerines, carrots and potatoes. I wanted to use them for compost?   Answer: Hello, Although after Rosh Hashana of the eighth year it is no longer shemitta, and we are permitted […]

Removing top layer from a pile on shabbos

Question: If I have a pile of items (for example, a laundry basket filled with clean clothing) and on Shabbos I want to find an item which isn’t visible from the top, is there a problem with moving away items from the top of the pile (ie to search through the pile) to find the […]

Forgiveness through the mindset of knowing you won’t do a certain Aveira again

Question: Hello Rabbi, Over Yom Tov I was having a conversation with a family who were visiting from Flatbush and during the discussion someone mentioned that he heard from a certain Rabbi speaker that (during the process of teshuva) if you know (I’m assuming in that moment how you feel) that you are not going […]

Chosson Bereishis for 13 year old boy?

Question: Shalom Harav chag sameach , to buy the Hatan Bereshit for a boy who became bar mitsva few months ago ,is there any Halachic or Hashkafah or any other issues wrong with it please? Ty Chazak Baruch   Answer: Technically it is permitted for a young boy to get chassan Bereishis, however the custom […]