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Accounting on chol hamoed

Question: i sell 4 minim and would like to pay for merchandise and partners etc. This requires lots of accounting and counting etc. My question is whether this is permitted on Chol Hamoed – nobody specicifically wants it now and all expect it after YT but I prefer to have all payments made etc. asap. […]

Tearing down Sukka on Chol Hamoed

Question: Hello I would like to know if it’s permissible to tear down a Sukkah on Chol Hamoed? For a few reasons. 1. Travel away for the second days, and the Sukka could get blown away or could get stolen. 2. I probably need the place because of the traveling . Thank you Answer: Essentially […]

Forgivenss when I find it impossible

Question: I had an extremely traumatic time being at home with a sibling who I considered to have some very defining narcissistic tendencies and traits. He would always somehow justify himself, no matter how inexcusable his behavior may have been, yet expected the other person to fully account for themselves, if they had done the […]

Took item but don’t know who to return it to.

Question: I found a child’s toy in my possession (I’d estimate it’s worth around $15) and I can’t determine who the owner is. I work in children’s homes and asked a number of parents who I thought may own it, but each of them denied that it belongs to them. What do I need to […]

Kashrut of vegetarian product

Question: Can you eat a dairy product that doesnt have a Hashgacha if it is vegetarian and certified as such by competent public vegetarian entity.   Answer: Hello, Just because the ingredients don’t contain animal products doesn’t automatically make them kosher. The machinery that the product is made on, may have been used to do […]

Drinking lemon tea on Rosh HaShanah

Question: Lemon tea is one of my favourite drinks. However on Rosh HaShanah I deprived myself of having the pleasure of drinking this, because of the sour element of the lemon juice. (I prepare the fresh lemon juice before Shabbos and Yom Tov.) Did I do the right thing? (In case it makes a difference, […]

Religious OCD

Question: Hi, I suffer from OCD, and I unfortunately have thoughts of kefirah, chiruf vegiduf (R”L) etc. during davening. Am I allowed to receive an aliya or say kadish knowing that these thoughts will or can be present? I did make a גילוי דעת שמבטל מחשבות רעות גם אם חשבתי (can be found here […]

Drinking small amounts on Yom Kippur

Question: I take a medication which makes my mouth feel parched in the morning and throughout the day. Is there any heter for me to drink with in small amounts (shiurim)?   Answer: Hello, Drinking shiurim essentially is violating a biblical commandment, because eating or drinking even a little bit is not permitted. The idea […]

Rosh Hashanah questions regarding food

Question: Hello, Can one do laundry Sunday before Rosh Hashanah or is that Rosh Chodesh? Can one eat hummus with vinegar in it on Rosh Hashana itself–even if avoid vinegar in vinegar on Rosh Hashana? When does one make kiddush during the upcoming holidays? What must be done between eating dairy and meat for Ashkenazi […]

“not possible…” Parameters

Question: Could you please provide parameters to assess when a situation is reasonably considered “not possible”: for starters, “not possible” for gentile to perform derabanon for choleh Shayn bo sekanah on Shabbos. How far are we supposed to go? How awkward of a situation do we need to enter to attempt? Whatever guidelines you can […]

Kever Rochel on Chol Hamoed

Question: Are you allowed to go to kever Rochel on Chol Hamoed ?   Answer: Yes it is permitted. Sources: פסקי תשובות אורח חיים סימן תכט אות ד “”ואף לאלו הנוהגים לא לילך לקברות בימים מסוימים כר”ח, חנוכה, חודש ניסן, חוה”מ וכו’, מ”מ לקברי צדיקים נוהגים חסידים ואנשי מעשה מאז ומקדם שהולכים לציונים הק’ ומתפללים […]

Wife’s pruzbul on money that was lent before she got married

Question: Thank you for the response! One clarification about a wife׳s pruzbul: even if she lended out the money before our marriage, the chov itself is considered nochsei milug as well and included in husband’s pruzbul?   Answer: If the money was lent out before the woman was married, then it is not included in […]

Is there any difference between a cigarette and a cigar in regards to smoking on yomtov

Question: For those that smoke cigarettes on yom tov is there any reason why smoking a cigar would be different? Also would the cigar have to be cut before yom tov   Answer: Before answering your question, it should be noted that most contemporary poskim say that even though smoking might have been considered normal […]