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Second marriage in the year of avelus

Question: Can a chasson who is an avel for a parent get married within the year of avelus? Is there a difference if it is a second marriage, and the chasson has fulfilled the mitzvah of pru u-rvu?   Answer: Hamakom yinachem eschem b’toch shar aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalyim. A choson may get married after the […]

Present for host

Question: The גמרא במסכת מגילה כו עמוד א three lines from the bottom says “אמר אביי ש״מ אורח ארעא למישבק אינש גולפא ומשכא באושפיזיה״ is that the הלכה בזמן הזה? Is it brought down in הלכה? And if it’s not brought down in הלכה is there a reason why it’s not brought down?   Answer: […]

Letting cat out into the backyard on Shabbath

Question: Shalom Cvod Harav, Is it allowed to let a cat out of the house into an enclosed backyard on Shabbat? If I let him back inside may I shut the door? I haven’t ever seen him climb anything like fences or trees.   Answer: Hello, From your question, is seems that you are referring […]

Tzedakah: Self-Employed Income Tax Deductions – which year are they deducted?

Question: L’cvod HaRav, My “ma’aser year” for Maaser cesafim is Rosh Hashonah and Rosh Hashonah (1st Tishrei to 29 Elul). This corresponds to September/October to September/October in most years. In my country, the income tax for self-employed income is calculated on 6th April (which usually falls in Nissan and sometimes Adar Sheni) and can be […]

Standing on a table to replace light fixtures in a synagogue

Question: I was in my synagogue replacing the light fixtures in order that people can have an easier time studying with new bright lights. I brought my tallest ladder, but it still was not tall enough for me to reach the ceiling, so I put the ladder on a table to get the few extra […]

Tzoah bemashehu and the ravs chiddush something that can only be seen by the eye

Question: Hello I saw the Rav’s psak on a mashehu of tzoah and am bothered by it. Here’s the link to what I’m referring to First off if the halcha is only what the eye can see than why don’t the poskim mention it? and who says it’s a clal by all things maybe […]

Hatov V’hameitiv on grape juice and wine

Question: If I make kiddush on grape juice and then have wine during the seudah, do I make a hatov vhameitiv?   Answer: Hello, In general, we don’t really make hatov v’hameitiv nowadays, in part because there are ten conditions that have to be met in order to make the bracha. Additionally, there are poskim […]

Refuah Shleimah to a person with Alzheimer’s?

Question: The father of someone I know was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I wished her father a “Refuah Shleimah,” but she retorted “that’s unlikely.” She continued, “Better to say: ‘a brocha for arichas yamim and clarity of mind as long as possible.” Was I wrong in wishing a “refuah shleimah?” Was her expression more appropriate? […]

Is it ok to bend the truth when the truth interferes with shalom bayis?

Question: Hello Rabbi, Today, I was checking blueberries for insects and my husband who is not yet observant asked me if I was checking them for bugs. I said no because I didn’t want an argument (we have many kashrus arguments) to follow and for him to stop me from checking the blueberries. In this […]

Walking in front of people davening

Question: If the person behind you has started davening the amidah just a second before you, it seems you couldn’t take steps back to start your amidah… what would you do in such a situation? What is considered a hefsek for the purposes of walking in front of someone davening? Can you use lavud? Thank […]

Follow up regarding Netilas Yodayim

Question: Hello Based on this question Isn’t there a problem of it not being ‏ ‏ ב‏שפיכה ‏אחתif one pours slowly? If not what’s the reasoning that it’s still considered ‏ ב‏שפיכה אחת ,and what did the poskim mean by saying it has to be ‏ ‏בשפיכה אחת   Answer: Pouring slowly is not […]

Lo tischonem – Tripadvisor review

Question: Hello, If I had a positive experience staying in a non-jewish hotel, would there be an issue of lo tischonen to leave a positive review for them on tripadvisor or google? I would get no benefit from leaving the review and would not make a kiddush hashem being they wouldn’t know who I am. […]

Dairy and Meat w/ spice containers and its ramifications

Question: Hello, I believe I heard a few years ago from my Rosh Yeshiva that if someone uses a spice container with small holes on top to pour onto a hot food that is dairy (like putting garlic powder on hot pizza), the garlic powder becomes milchig b/c of the the steam of that food […]

Habitually turning on a light on Shabbos when half asleep

Question: I saw posted that somebody who habitually turns a bathroom light off on Shabbos is considered a Shogeg. What would be the Halacha if someone wakes up in middle of the night and remembers that it is Shabbos and goes to the bathroom and turns on the light without realizing that he is doing […]

What bracha is potato bread/roll?

Question: Hello, I am wondering what bracha you make on Martin’s potato bread. The first ingredient is unbleached enriched wheat flour, but it also contains nonfat milk, reconstituted potatoes from potato flour, sugar, etc. Would this bread be hamotzei or mezonos? Thank you!   Answer: I am not familiar with this type of bread, but […]

Purim shpiel

Question: Hi, Many yeshivas run skits during Purim in which they poke fun at the rabbis at the yeshiva (at their quirks, mannerisms, or maybe even their dei’os). Isn’t this considered loshon hara? Moreover, isn’t this loshon hara b’rabim? How is this such a widespread custom?   Answer: The main issue here is that, although […]

Making a bracha in a bathing suit

Question: Can one make a bracha on cold drink with yarmulka and swimsuit only?   Answer: Hello, In general, there are few things to consider before saying a bracha, that would be applicable for your question. The man’s private parts (ervah) are not exposed. There is a separation between the person’s heart and his private […]