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Is continual financial failure a chillul Hashem

Question: I know of a person who continually goes into debt to the tune of Millions of dollars and then cannot pay the debts so goes into bankruptcy, this happens about once every 5 years over the past 40 years. This person has ensured he has a high profile in the Jewish and general community, […]

“Al na timna…” – was it the invitation or not?

Question: Rabbonim of the Din Online: There are various interpretations, why the rage of Almighty flared against Bilam. Parashat Balak, Ba Midbar 22:16: …אל נא תמנע מהלך אלי. Ba Midbar 22:20: …אם לקרא… Was it the invitation, or not? “Im likro” – means: “if You are invited?” And “al na”, actually, means: “please!” Or “if […]

Do Seventh-day Adventists deserve the death penalty?

Question: Tractate Sanhedrin 58b says that “a Gentile who keeps the Shabbat deserves the death penalty”, does this include Sabbatarian Christians such as Seventh-day Adventists? Wouldn’t it be unfair to kill Sabbath-keeping Gentiles because they believe they should keep Shabbat? Answer: Seventh-day Adventists would not be liable for the death penalty, because they would have […]

כבוד אב ואם

Question: This week I was learning כתובות דף צו which is quoted in יורה דעה סימן רמב:כ that whoever stops תלמידו from assisting him withholds/impedes from his doing חסד and removes from him יראת שמים. I was unable to find in הלכות כבוד אב ואם a corresponding הלכה for parents. Is there such a thing […]

Receiving jewelry from a man you aren’t married to

Question: What are the halachot of accepting jewelry from a guy you are not married to?   Answer: Without getting into the actual tznius issues, of why would a boy who a girl is not married to give her jewelry… (unless they are planning to get married). However the only other halachic issue that I […]

Milchig spatula, parve food, flieshig pan

Question: I cooked fries (parve) on a flieshig pan (eino ben yomo) and used a milchig spatula (probably ben yomo, unsure) to pick up the fries from the pan while the fries were still hot. The fries were sitting on top of parchment paper.   Answer: Hi, Needless to say, l’chatchila this should not be […]


Question: Good morning. The board of education pays for p3 (private teaching /tutoring) for kids with learning disabilities. A girl I know didn’t use her P3 hours this year. She just graduated high school and is taking a college level course exam next week. She asked if I can use these P3 hours to help […]

Fasting with Disordered Eating Behaviors

Question: I understand that in most cases one may only refrain from fasting if they are or would become ill (extent required varying depending on who one consults.) Is there an inyan of someone at risk for becoming ill taking precautionary measures? (Ex: someone with disordered eating behaviors refraining from fasting if they feel fasting […]

Washing hands after touching a covered part of the body

Question: I understand that after certain activities – like touching a usually covered part of the body or touching the inside of the ear – it is necessary to wash one’s hands before learning, davening. Is this a chumra and m’ikar ha-din it’s sufficient to wipe the hands?   Answer: Hello, For davening it is […]

(Yahrtzeit) Kaddish after early Maariv

Question: If I Daven Maariv early on day of a Yahrtzeit, immediately after Plag HaMincha, do I still say Kaddish after Maariv?   Answer: Hello, You do not have to daven maariv as the chazan, but regarding kaddish, yes you can still say kaddish after Maariv. The poskim discuss the opposite case from yours. They […]

Saying Kaddish for my Father-in-Law

Question: My brother-in-law has corona and won’t be able to come to shul for his father’s yahrtzeit. He asked me to say kaddish for his father. I told him that it’s probably preferable that his son (the grandson of the niftar) say kaddish. Or one of my sons. Is this correct?   Answer: Hello, What […]

Elderly person with slightly soiled undergarment

Question: Can an elderly person make a brocho if there is a possibility of slightly soiled underwear?   Answer: Hello, In general the answer is yes, even though one’s undergarment is soiled may say brachos, and the reason is because the underwear that is slightly soiled is covered with the person’s outer garment. Since it […]

Returning items- with a request for mechila

Question: Is it proper to return something– and then ask for mechilla in case something was damaged or is missing? Or is this a halachic problem? ( I am wondering because I thought I remember a halacha that in some cases it is not permitted to ask a question that the other person will feel […]

Would one recite Kriat Shema Al Hamitah if not going to sleep for the night…..?

Question: Would I recite Kriat Shema Al Hamitah if I am not going to sleep that night…? Thanks!   Answer: Hi, We only say kriyas shema al hamita and hamapil if we are going to go to sleep. A person that stays up all night does not say anything. Best wishes Sources:  

Interaction before davening

Question: What is the geder for what conversation, hugging etc is allowed and proper between husband and wife before the husband davens Shachris? Thank you.   Answer: Hello, It is hard to give clear guidelines for this, as there can be numerous circumstances, and situations. There are two potential issues here, greeting people before davening, […]