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Simchah Hall electricity blackout on Shabbos ?Caterer sent more food than ordered

Question: We rented a local Simchah Hall for all 3 Shabbos aufruf seudas, on Friday night the lights and A.C. went out and we had a blackout twice for between 15-20 min or more each time we had to send someone to search for a Shabbos goy willing to come and help it, we sat […]

Compensation to a store owner for blocking access to his store

Question: If Reuvain has a store and Shimon blocks access to the store during normal business hours preventing customers from coming to the store does Shimon owe Reuvain compensation? Thanks Answer: Hello, It seems that you are asking a general question. In general blocking someones asccess would be a grama, and is patur in a […]

Bris on shabbos who drinks the wine

Question: At a bris on shabbos who drinks the wine? Answer: Hello, The issue with drinking the wine during a bris on Shabbos is because there is a halacha called “kiddush b’makom seuda”, that we may only make kiddush if we eat a meal or cake in that place.  The person making the brachos after […]

Orlah — replanting a grape vine

Question: If a grapevine that grew more than 3 years already was cut and then transferred and replanted elsewhere, without dirt from the original planting, do the orlah years still count or does it start over again with the new planting? Thank you   Answer: Hello, You are very correct, the orlah years do start […]

Short Term Renter from overseas leaves behind items

Question: If I rent an apartment short term on a regular basis and after a renter leaves, we discover forgotten items (usually low cost items). Are we required to track the owner down and return the item(s)? At whose cost? Can we place a clause in the instructions that any items left behind and not […]

Accidentely throwing out part of a Sefer cover

Question: B’Kavod Harav, What do I do if I lost a piece that broke off a Sefer cover (may have been thrown out by now) from a Lamed Tes Melachos Sefer?   Answer: Hello, The cover of a sefer has to go into geneiza. However now that it is lost, there isn’t much that you […]

Maaser on Isreali produce

Question: I bought carrots from lidle which I see is from Isreal what should I do?   Answer: Hello, If it is Isreali produce then you would have to separate terumos and maasros. Please see the following link of how to do this. Best wishes Sources:  

Salt shaker with rice to keep the salt from clumpiing together?

Question: Is there a problem if Borer to use a salt shaker with rice to keep the salt from clumpiing together?   Answer: The use of a saltshaker with rice inside to absorb moisture is controversial. Some Poskim say that it shouldn’t be used[1] because an instrument is doing the borer. Others permit[2] its use […]

Do I maaser disability and child support?

Question: Shalom aleichem, I receive monthly payments from the government for my son’s disability and child support (ex doesn’t pay). Am I supposed to maaser this money? Also, if my parents give me money if I don’t make enough, am I supposed to maaser it? Thank you.   Answer: Hello, A person who is not […]

Cleaning dirt from under fingernails on shabbos

Question: Is there any issue such as borer with removing dirt under fingernails on Shabbos? Answer: Hello, It is permitted to clean out the dirt from underneath one’s fingernail, however we have to be careful only to remove the dirt under the nail, and not to scrap away any of the nail itself. Best wishes […]