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Meat during Shalosh Seudos of the nine days

Question: Do I have to stop eating meat before sunset DURING my shalosh seudos meal? Answer: Hello, On Shabbos chazon, the Shabbos during the nine days, if one is eating shalos seudos, meat may be eaten even after it’s already dark outside, since for him it is still Shabbos, and he is going to say […]

Questionable reading material in frum family

Question: Dear Friends, this is concerning kashrus but not food: I live in a thriving Jewish community in NMB, Florida near my married son. They hold by a kollel rav here. My son went to a frum yeshiva through high school here in NMB, Florida and then on to beis medrash for a few years […]

Dry Cleaning during the 9 days

Question: Hi, I own a dry cleaners that outside the Frum area and primarily services non-Jews. This year I’ve had some Frum customers request a pickup for dry cleaning and laundry services. I am not familiar with their situation and am unsure of whether or not this is permitted. The work is done by employees […]

Yichud adult sisters

Question: Is a frum woman allowed be in yichud with her non-frum sister and her long-time non-frum Jewish partner/boyfriend?   Answer: Hello, She should be careful about yichud. According to a number of poskim, since the two are not married, even with a civil marriage, they don’t feel responsible for each other, and they are […]

Ironing before/during the Nine Days

Question: Hi. Every year, before the Nine Days, I launder and iron all of my children’s clothing (ages 4-11). Since this is a huge job, I am wondering whether it would be permissible to do the ironing during the Nine Days? I understand that the prohibition is against wearing freshly laundered and ironed clothes; since […]

Emails to an overseas recipient when it is Shabbat for them.

Question: Hi I work as an Australian lawyer but I live in Israel. I have many Jewish clients in Australia. If they are not religious, I am careful not to send them an email on Friday (when it is already Shabbat in Australia) becuase I am concerned that they may read it and I would […]

Wine/Meat After Plag Mincha During the 9 Days?

Question: If making an “early Shabbos” during the 9 Days, is it permitted to drink wine/eat meat? Thx & Kol Tuv.   Answer: Hello, Once you were makabel Shabbos, it is Shabbos for you and you may eat meat and drink wine. Best wishes Sources: רבבות אפרים ח”א ס’ שסז אות ב’ “אם קבל שבת […]

Buying a wig from China, Chashash of Indian Hair

Question: I live in the U.S. I want to buy a wig from China- through Aliexpress. The store is called 361 Store. All communication is online. The website advertises that this wig is made from European Hair. I asked a question online and someone answered “we only use European Jewish hair, which is beyond doubt”. […]

End of year gifts during the nine days

Question: Is one allowed to give end of year gifts to teachers, Rebbes and other School staff? And on Shavua shechal boi? (such as presentations, books and / or other gifts?   Answer: Hello, Although it is not written specifically that buying and giving gifts during the nine days, however according to a number of […]

Tikkun Chatzos During The Summer

Question: Is it permitted to say tikkun chatzos during the period from shavous until after tisha b’av if one wants to say it or should one specifically refrain from saying it during that time   Answer: Hello, There are different opinions there is an opinion that from Shavous until after Tisha Bav that it doesn’t […]

9 kavim

Question: What is the MIKOR for 9 kavim instead of mikveh if MIKVEH is not available? Answer: The topic is discussed in Brachos 22a, and then in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 89-1. See sources. Best wishes Sources: שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הלכות קריאת שמע סימן פח סעיף א “כל הטמאים קורין בתורה וקורין ק”ש ומתפללין, […]

Teshuva when unable to ask for forgiveness

Question: If a person sins against another person and is unable to ask for forgiveness ( even general forgiveness) for different reasons. For example, the person doesn’t know all the people the sin affected or other reasons. Does it help to have regret and stop the sin as a form of teshuva, give tzedakhah, confession […]