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Mezuzah on Furnace Room and Cellar

Question: Does the door of a furnace room and cellar need a mezuzah?   Answer: Hello, Storage rooms need a mezuza, therefore a cellar, would need a mezuza. A furnace room, according to a number of poskim is obligated in mezuza, if people go enter it. See sources. Best wishes Sources: שולחן ערוך יורה דעה […]

Bracha on bread which is made out of rice flour and water.

Question: kvod harav I have gluten allergies and my pitta is made out of rice flour, water, potato starch, maïs starch and tapioca starch. What bracha is made on this pitta? Thank you.   Answer: Hello, It depends on how much rice flour there is in the ingredients. If the rice flour is the majority […]

How to repent for Lashon Hara if the person you sinned against is dead?

Question: Rabbi, I am trying to repent for the damage I caused due to lashon hora. The person I sinned against died long ago. I can no longer talk to the person and ask for their forgiveness. How do I go about this? Also are there any Ketuvim that address this? Toda Answer: Hello, While […]

Inappropriate thoughts

Question: Often, I’m embarrassed to say that I have extremely inappropriate thoughts. Thoughts either that are immoral or otherwise atrocious from the fact that I think bad things/wish on other members of Klal Yisroel/heretical thoughts. But in reality, I wouldn’t want to think such things and wouldn’t want ever for such calamities to befall them. […]

Studying Exodus-Deuteronomy

Question: Can you point me in the direction of a resource that has the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy integrated…in other words, instead of reading Exodus then Leviticus then Numbers straight through to Deuteronomy, I am wanting to read Exodus and then when we get to the Sinai part read the portions from […]

Interest charged on rent owing

Question: My landlord is Jewish as am I. My rent is unfortunately in arrears. I am being charged interest on the amount owing. The statement clearly states “ArrInt ” (Arrears interest) and the percentage of interest being charged. Please comment. Thank you very much.   Answer: Hello, without knowing what the landlord has to say, […]

Setting spray on Shabbos

Question: BH Is it permissible to use setting spray on Shabbos? [Setting spray is a liquid mist, with water and alcohol typically as its main ingredients, that can be used to increase the lifespan of your makeup look, preventing fading and smudging.] Thank you   Answer: hello, It depends on what kind of makeup it […]

Opening fridge w/ light on shabbos

Question: Hi. I was away for shabbos with my family and we weren’t sure if we had to activate a shabbos mode for the fridge. My husband tested out the fridge a few times before shabbos and saw that the light didn’t go on when he opened the door. I was still nervous about it […]

Eating Friday Night before Kabbolas Shabbos

Question: Can I eat food the shul gives out between Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos? What is the source yes or no. Answer: Hello, Technically if it still before sunset, and the person has not yet been mekabel shabbos he can eat, however to do so in such a setting is incorrect. The reason is because […]

Is it permitted to get drunk on a regular day?

Question: In a situation where there would not be any bittul Torah or minyanim missed as a result of drunkedness, nor would there be any damage caused in any way, would it be permitted for a person to get drunk on a regular day for fun? Assuming he has no sort of addiction and rarely […]

Shabbos Candles for grandchildren

Question: I read that Rebbetzin Weinberg a”h of Aish HaTorah lit 80 Shabbos candles to include all her grandchildren. Is there a source for a minhag of lighting extra Shabbos candles for one’s grandchildren and may I adopt such a practice as a way of thanking Hashem for my grandchildren as well as to daven […]

Techum Shabbos

Question: I want to go from here to here on shabbos is it within the techum, with some breathing room.,+Main+Street,+Manchester,+VT/Chabad+of+Bennington+County,+171+Sargent+Ln,+Manchester,+VT+05254/@43.1553538,-73.0801944,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e05fced641ea75:0x3c38ede3f3b38cea!2m2!1d-73.072564!2d43.1621955!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e05e44680995bd:0x95e853235c8c9b72!2m2!1d-73.0701758!2d43.1485244!3e2?entry=ttu   Answer: Hello, The techum shabbos would be about .6 of a mile, which is roughly a kilometer, which is a lot less than the distance between the two places. It is possible however […]

Laser Hair Removal on the Tenth of Av

Question: I booked a laser hair removal appointment for tomorrow, Friday July 28th at 10:30AM. (Before chatzos) I know a lot of nine days prohibitions still apply until chatzos. Do I have to cancel my appointment or can I keep it?   Answer: Hello, It is permitted. This year, since the tenth of Av is […]

Baking potato in milky oven to eat with chicken

Question: Can potato be lechatchila baked in a clean aino ben yomo milky oven to be eaten with chicken, if the potato doesn’t touch the racks or walls of the oven?   Answer: Yes, it can. The potato doesn’t give zeiah, and the walls are clean and not a ben yomo, and they are not […]

Laundering undergarments during the nine days

Question: Can underwear be laundered for children under bar/batmitzva age? Would it be better to buy them new underwear? Could socks be laundered for an adult who is treating a very bad fungal infection in their toes? (They were told by the doctor that they should change their socks throughout the day?) Would it be […]

Meat during Shalosh Seudos of the nine days

Question: Do I have to stop eating meat before sunset DURING my shalosh seudos meal? Answer: Hello, On Shabbos chazon, the Shabbos during the nine days, if one is eating shalos seudos, meat may be eaten even after it’s already dark outside, since for him it is still Shabbos, and he is going to say […]