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Can you tovel dishes in saltwater pool

Question: Can you tovel dishes in saltwater pool?   Answer: Hello, If I understand your question correctly, a saltwater pool is the same as a regular pool, but the water is cleaned with salt rather than with chlorine. Utensils have to be toveled in a real mikva, and pools don’t meet the requirements needed in […]

Mizmor l’toda on rosh hashana and other days

Question: On Rosh Hashana, we don’t say mizmor l’toda during psukei d’zimra. However, if later in the day a person wanted to say all of sefer tehillim, would she be able to say mizmor l’toda?   Answer: Hello, It is permitted to say the whole tehillim, even with Mizmor l’toda. The reason is because you […]

Which blessing do you make on sourdough crackers?

Question: Which blessing do you make on sourdough crackers?   Answer: Hello, If the crackers are relatively small, then they are meant to be eaten as a snack, and the bracha would be mezonos. This is especially true if they are seasoned. If however you are planning on eating a meal’s worth of them, then […]

Giving daily while also separating ma’aser/chomesh

Question: Shalom HaRav If I would like to give on a daily basis, but only receive income periodically, is there a way I can still separate ma’aser or chomesh in the best way? Thank you in advance   Answer: Hello, It is permitted to owe money to maaser or for maaser to owe you money, […]

Accept Rosh Hashana early on a Friday

Question: When the first night of Rosh Hashana falls on a Friday night, what is the earliest one can accept it?   Answer: On Rosh Hashana we may accept the Shabbos from plag hamincha, like all Shabbosim. On Pesach and Succos while we may accept YomTov early, we will not et the meal until it […]

Hayom Haras Olam In Quiet Mussaf – Nusach Sefard in an Ashkenaz Minyan

Question: Hi. I daven Nusach Sefard, and my minhag is to have Shofar in middle of quiet Mussaf. After Shofar the minhag is to say Hayom Haras Olam before continuing. Even on Shabbos when we don’t blow we still say Hayom Haras Olam. When I am davening in nusach Ashkenazi minyan where the minhag is […]

Torah learning – father to son

Question: What is the reason that the Torah formulates the obligation to study Torah by means of stating the obligation to teach one’s son Torah? (Devarim 6:7 ושננתם לביכנך and ibid. 11:19 ולמדתם אתם לביכם). Even though chazal do learn from here the obligation for one to learn Torah himself, the simple reading is speaking […]

Making up missing shnayim mikrah parshiyos

Question: In regards to the mitzvah of shnayim mikrah vi’echad targum, I have been up to date with the parshiyos for the last few months. However, over the course of the year, I ended up failing to do shnayim mikrah for about 10 parshas. I know that the latest time to make up the parshiyos […]

over-apologizing/ apologizing unnecessarily

Question: B”H Kavod haRav, I have been working on not over apologizing and B”H with Siyata Dishmaya, it’s getting better. For some reason, I have a strong yetzer hara to apologize, even when it doesn’t really fit the scenario and my perception of what does and does not need an apology is not always clear. […]