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Am I required to let people know when I’m sick?

Question: I personally dislike letting people know when I am unwell. Am I required to inform them so they can have kavana for the mitzvah of bikur cholim, or can they fulfill it without having the kavana? Also- are there other reasons I would need to inform people? Clarification: I am taking necessary health precautions […]

Is someone who lives from tzedaka obligated to give maaser?

Question:   Unfortunately, I live from tzedaka, and have very little extra funds. Am I obligated to give maaser nevertheless? Isn’t maaser on money just a custom and not a real mitvah? What about past years where no maaser was given at all? Exactly how is masser calculated? Is it dollar per dollar, or after […]

Using feminine form of verb when saying 13 principles

Question: I live in Israel and speak Hebrew. When I daven I recently started saying the 6 zechirot and 13 ikarim after aleinu. Should I say “ani maamina” or “ani maamin” ? Since I speak Hebrew it seems wrong to me to say “ani maamin”. Answer: Hello, Interesting point. Although grammatically what you are writing […]

Regarding question

Question: By segulah I was referring to a source that brings down that it is permitted to test Hashem by promising to give maaser if Hashem will grant him financial profit. I don’t remember at this moment where this source is. Therefore, my question was if it is permitted to test Hashem in this way […]

Someone in the Talmud Whom the Halacha Always Follows

Question: Is there any Sage in the Talmud who is always correct, regardless of whom he argues with, when it comes to halacha?   Answer: We find this idea mentioned regarding R’ Yehoshua Ben Levi who was called a “Bar samcha” (reliable). Additionally, such an idea is brought R’ Eliezer Ben Yaakov, whose rulings were […]

Does Don’t Do it if detrimental to your Neshamah still apply?

Question: Hi We are told I believe either way is correct. With people who may have a bad influence on you to not get involved if you don’t think you are strong enough not to be influenced. Otherwise get involved if you are strong. Firstly, most people do not know if they are strong enough. […]

Torah prior to the world

Question: There are multiple sources in chazal regarding the Torah that are not referring to the “Torah” that we know (the 5 books etc). For example; the statement in chazal regarding Hashem looking into the Torah and creating the world, this Torah probably was ours that records the stories of the avos and physical commandments […]

Does G-D put us in touch with bad people and if so is there a reason

Question: I believe we meet some people in life for a reason. I am talking about good people and average people. But what about bad people? I am not talking about the worst people, but about people who do pretty bad things. For example, say a bad person has a bad time or goes through […]

Most halachically acceptable way to repay a loan in another country

Question: Good afternoon, Before Yom Kippur I had someone lay out 180 shekel for me in Israel and I want to pay him back. I want to mail him a check or cash in US dollars. What is the most appropriate way to do this? I do have a few shekel of my own, approximately […]

Replacing a broken item which was borrowed from a katan without permission

Question: My husband purchased a shovel for my young daughter. My teenage son borrowed the shovel without permission and broke it. Is he responsible for replacing the broken shovel?   Answer: Question: My husband purchased a shovel for my young daughter. My teenage son borrowed the shovel without permission and broke it. Is he responsible […]

Issue of fasting and zman on shabbat

Question: (I am Sephardi if it makes a differance) The shul in my area starts late on Shabbat morning, and rarely makes the zman; we also end after Chatzot HaYom, I usually say both Shema and Shmona Esrei before going, that way I can make zman on my own. Should I still daven Shmona Esrei […]

Shloshim ending for a sibling buried on first day Chol Hamoed Succos

Question: My sister was nifteres on Second day Succos and the kevura was on first day Chol Hamoed- does Smini Atezes subtract from the observance of the Sholshim-When can I stop observing Shloshim?   Answer: Hamakom yinchem eschem btoch shar aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim. According to most poskim Shmini Atzeres only counts like seven days if […]

Watching eyes and thougths for woman

Question: What is the halacha regarding woman refraining from seeing and reading material that would be prohibited to a man (under לא תסורו). More specifically, when shopping for clothing that involves seeing pictures of immodesty etc?   Answer: Hello, It depends[1]; If she is just plain looking- that is מותר, but it is not permitted […]

Is Shechinah present when study ANY Torah or only certain works

Question: We are told the Shechinah is present when we study Torah-but does this apply to any Torah or just divine works. Is the Shechinah present if I pick up a book written by a Rabbi or only on Talmud and Pentatuch.And is the degree of Shechinah the same.   Answer: Hello, The Talmud (Brachos […]

Covering mouth when sneezing or coughing

Question: What’s the source (other than derech eretz, and if it’s only derech eretz, what’s the source) for covering one’s mouth when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs that can cause illness? There’s a gemorah in Berachos 24b on top about covering chin/mouth for a yawn. I heard there’s a Rosh that […]