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Grind coffee on Shabbat

Question: I own a manual coffee grinder which involves placing coffee beans in the top and then grinding it into powder. The mechanism is that the beans are pulverized by coming into contact with a burr blade inside the cylinder. I know that grinding is generally forbidden on Shabbat but that there are also some […]

Is using whip cream an shabbos an issue because of molid?

Question: Is using whip cream an shabbos an issue because of molid? Answer: Whipped topping that is discharged from a can should not be used on Shabbos according to most poskim. The reason for this is, that when the topping is inside the can it is a liquid. Upon contact with air, the liquid is transformed […]

Pressuring recipient of a Gmach

Question: If someone runs a Gmach that has money that belongs to other people (all the money has to be returned eventually). What principles could there be with regard to someone’s check bouncing? What kinda of limitations are there with regard to contacting him about making the payment? Answer: Essentially the prohibition of “Lo t’hiyei […]

Paying with shekel a credit card fee charged in dollars

Question: A friend used my credit card to pay for several flights over three months time. The card was charged in dollars but she is paying me in Israeli shekel. The first time she paid was before she traveled and she gave me an extra 100 shekel towards the return trip. Then she came back […]

Can you rent an apartment in Chutz Laretz to someone who will bring in idols.

Question: Can you rent an apartment in Chutz Laretz to someone who will bring in idols. Answer: It is permitted to rent him an apartment, even if he will bring his idols inside it, (as long as it isn’t being rented in order to store his idols there). However when he leaves make sure that […]

Is a table considered a michichtzah while walking in front of someone davening shmoneh esrei

Question: If one finishes shemonah esrei and people behind him are still davening shemonah esrei may he take his 3 steps back if there is a table where they’re davening if not what should he do Answer: A table is not enough to permit walking or crossing in front of a person davening shemona esrei […]

Dimensions of Israel

Question: On Bemidbar 13:25, Oznayim Latorah says that Israel measures 400 parsahs by 400 parsahs. Does this mean that it’s a square? It doesn’t look that way on a map. Answer: This idea is not from the Oznayim L’torah, rather it is mentioned in the gemorah and midrashim in numerous places. The Maharal (Chidushei Agados Rosh […]

Informing regarding wrong item sent

Question: Hello, Thank you so much for your help, it is sincerely appreciated. I recently ordered something online and the wrong item was sent (there were two color options and the other color was sent instead of the one I ordered). Is there any issue of informing/ lashon hora to mention to the company that […]

Returning lost pen found in Jewish parking lot

Question: I found about a 4 dollar pen half used in a public place,looks like it was there for a while before i found it. After i picked it up i noticed it has a name but with a last name like Cohen in Monsey it will be very time consuming to find the owner […]

What should seller do if package gets lost in the mail?

Question: I operate an online store located in Israel, with most sales to the US. We ship via Israel Post, which is then handled in the US by USPS. Approximately 1 in 500 or 1 in 1,000 parcels mysteriously disappears, never to be found. In such cases, we don’t know whether the onus falls on […]

Father might not say brachos

Question: My father who lives afar is coming to visit my family for a short time. If I remember correctly, he doesn’t always say brachos, sometimes doesn’t say the correct brachos. When he does say brachos, its quite quick/slurred and I’m not sure if they are considered proper brachos. Is there anything we should know […]

halacha will within the State of Israel

Question: I have been told that a person that does not prepare a will, his family could face a lot of difficulties vis a vis the Israeli court system. Is there service via dayanim that create a halacha will that is accepted by the State of Israel justice apparatus. thanks Answer: We do have tzava’as-it […]

Can I look at Budhas if I am going on vacation to Thailand

Question: I am going to Thailand and the tour includes several Budhas and temples. Can i look at them? Answer: You would be well advised to avoid all such places. The Gemora says that Jews are not allowed to benefit from idols and avoda zara. Included in this are entering a place of worship of […]

yichud with husband at night with door open

Question: I’m staying by a friend in a differant town. she wont be home before 11 pm. I’m exhausted. if her husband is the only one home can i stay there and go to sleep if he keeps the door unlocked and open a fee inches? Answer: The היתר of פתח פתוח applies to any […]

Cutting sharp food

Question: What should sharp food’s (example ,lemon garlic ,onion or chilli) be cut with ,either a parev knife , a milchig knife or a fleishig knife. And if i cut the sharp food’s (lemon,garlic,onion and chilli) with either a milchig or fleishig knife, does it become fleishig or milchig Answer: All sharp foods should be […]

Forgot to light shabbos candles.

Question: I forgot to light shabbos candles this week. They where in a fully lit room for the whole shabbos, I’m not sure if this makes a difference or not. What do I do? Answer: The halacha is that a woman[1] who forgot to light נרות one week[2] (and no one else lit for her[3] […]

Sharing negative impression with husband

Question: Lichvod Harav We are considering playgroup options for our child and I’ve met several people with playgroups. Can I discuss my impressions with my husband openly even if it includes negative impressions or concerns that I have about the various teachers? Answer: Whatever is needed for toeles and relevant to sending your child’s attending […]

Nursing after relations

Question: Is there a halachic or other problem with nursing a crying baby right after relations? Thank you, yashar kochachem and tizku lmitzvos Answer: The poskim say that for kabala reasons after relations, that a woman should not nurse until 36 minutes afterwards, but if the child is crying that she can nurse after 18 minutes. […]

Fleishig Sauce Spilled on Milchig Sandwich Toaster

Question: A tray of baked turkey came out of the oven and then a sizeable amount of the turkey sauce spilled directly onto a milchig sandwich toaster (known in Israel as a “טוסטר לחיצה”). This is a toaster used to make what Israelis call “toast” meaning you put in it bread with cheese and close […]

Davening between Yishtabach and Kaddish

Question: If someone finishes p’sukei d’zimra ahead of the chazan and has already said Yishtabach, what is permitted for this individual to daven/say before the chazan begins kaddish? Can one say karbonos? Parts of p’sukei d’zimra that may have been skipped? Tehillim? Thank you. Answer: You are allowed to learn with your mind and eyes, […]

Procedure to say Tehillim during night

Question: If I awake in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep because I am particularly worried about something, am I allowed to recite Tehillim? Do I need to first get out of bed and wash negel vasser or say burkas hatorah? Or can I just say it lying down as I […]

What did the Leviim do when not officiating in the Beis Hamikdosh

Question: 8:18 Chizkuni says that Leviim didn’t own land, so they would be free to concentrate on their tasks in the Temple. If they ploughed soil, their hands would be too coarse to play instruments. I don’t understand this Chizkuni. Apart from teaching Torah, what did Leviim do when not officiating? Similarly, when the Mishkan […]

What’s the deal with Cotton and Wool Tzitzis?

Question: What is the difference between wool and cotton Tzitzis? Do they have the same Chiyuv? Is there a Hiddur to wear wool? What if one gets hot easily? Thank you. Answer: The difference is like this- according to all opinions a four cornered garment needs tzitzis min hatorah if it is made of wool […]