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Waxing arms during 3 weeks

Question: Can a woman/girl in shidduchim wax her arms during the 3 weeks/9 days? I would imagine that this would be similar to R’ Moshe’s heter for a woman/girl in shidduchim to shave her legs during the 3 weeks and 9 days, but what’s the halacha? Answer: R’ Moshe doesn’t say that it is automatically […]

Making a bracha on a safek mitzva

Question: In siman samach zein in Mishnah birurah there is a disagreement if someone has a safek by say lulav and therefore you must repeat the action whether you repeat the bracha as well. Yet, by sefira if someone has a sefek whether he counted, the Mishnah birurah says he counts during the day and […]

Birkas Hatorah when waking up after chatzos

Question: If I wake up at night after chazot do I say birkat hatorah before I learn? What if I slept after chazot and woke up an hour later. My next question is when it becomes Day do I make another birkat hatorah? Thank you Answer: You would only say birkas hatorah once when you […]

ovel attending grandsons barmitzvah

Question: can a grandmother attend a seudas barmitzvah of her grandson if she is in aveilus for her mother but after the shloshim period? there will be no music there as its after 17 tamuz. thank you Answer: It is permitted for the grandparents to attend the bar mitzvah, as it is considered their simcha […]

Can a website that displays only divrei Torah be “open” on Shabbos?

Question: We run a popular website that displays audio, video, transcripts in Hebrew and translations in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Yiddish. Does this site need to be shut down on Shabbos? Answer: If there aren’t any monetary transactions it is permitted, because you are not doing any melacha, and there is not sechar Shabbos, […]

Dress for vort during 3 weeks

Question: Can someone who gets engaged during the 3 weeks buy a dress for her vort? (assuming for the sake of this question that the vort is during the 3 weeks but before R”C Av) Answer: The issue during the three weeks is not buying the dress, but wearing it, because we make the shehechiyanu […]

Does one need a Mezuzah on doors to a narrow balcony?

Question: Does one need a Mezuzah on doors to a narrow balcony? Answer: you should put up  mezuza there on the right side of the door when you come inside from the balcony, but with out a bracha. the reason is because even though the balcony doesn’t need a mezuzah on it’s own, but the […]


Question: I heard that physical abuse can be considered גרמי to require an abuser to pay for therapy and the like. I am having a hard time finding מראה מקומות on this including current פוסקים and would appreciate any help. Thank you. Answer: I don’t know-perhaps it is repuy-a meaness pays nezek Maybe contact people […]

Monetary business law vs. דיני ממונות

Question: Do you have any essays on the difference between Monetary Business Law and דיני ממונות? Answer: I don’t have anything but I once had a book from Prof Daniel Pollack-he is at Yu and he wrote abt it. I recall an article that I read there from Rabbi Yonah Reiss who is a lawyer […]

What does רעך בתורה ובמצות mean?

Question: The Torah says וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ, Love your fellow as yourself. Actual halacha: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: It is incumbent upon every Jew to love every fellow Jew as he loves himself. Rambam: It is mandatory upon every man to love each and every one of Israel even as he loves his own self. However, […]

Haircut on night of 17th or Tammuz

Question: According to R Moshe he allows haircuts (weddings etc) on the night of the 17th of Tammuz (night before fast) bshas hadchak. My wife is the one who gives me haircuts, financial reasons etc. She is not going to the Mikvah until the night of the 17th, so when she comes home, can she […]

Building on Yom Tov and chol hamoed

Question: Shalom, We recently purchased a house that needs substantial renovations. Lots of Yamim Tovim and Chol Hamoed are coming soon. If we contract out to a non Jewish company to handle the renovations (they are paid per job not per day), are they permitted to renovate on Yom Tov or Chol Hamoed under their […]

Coming in contact and delivering with not kosher food.

Question: I’ve been wanting to deliver for a food delivery app for a while (to make a little extra cash on the side) and just realized that there may be some halachic issue with doing so. I understand that one isn’t supposed to receive benefit from non-kosher food, but technically I am only being paid […]

Washing with a kli

Question: Hi, I was wondering if you could clarify for me what actions require handwashing with a kli and which ones just require that hands be washed?If a kli is required, how many times is it necessary to pour over each hand. I currently pour over 3 times, alternating hands, for netillat yadayim in the […]

3 weeks/9 days accept job offer

Question: Is there a problem of accepting a job offer (signed contract) during the 3 weeks? 9 days? In case it matters, it would be a full time salaried job. The business owner seems to be Jewish (not 100% sure) but unaffiliated. Answer: It is permitted to sign the contract even during the nine days. […]

Order of importance of Davening

Question: I recently asked a question  about the order of importance for davening for a women who is short on time, and your answer was very helpful- thank you. In your answer you mentioned that if short on time, a women should say Pesukei Dezimra ( at least some or all the Hallelukas) over […]

Wearing Clothing with a Label Outside of an Eruv

Question: We were told that a suit on which the label stating the name of the company on the outside of the garment should not be worn outside of the eruv this Shabbos. The label I am referring to is only meant to be on until one purchases the garment and then it is removed. […]

Are you allowed to say on a Jew that is dead already”Yimach Shimo”

Question: Are you allowed to say On a Jew that is dead already Yimach shimo even if he was a big rosho Answer: Without getting into the topic or who “earns” this title, if a person is one that indeed can be called this,it also applies after they die. There were a number gedoilim that […]

Pushka Problem with Tzedakkah.

Question: I was recently made aware of a puska in our home (perhaps my wife or children acquired it without my knowledge from someone distributing them in our neighborhood) for a religious institution that promotes shitos/teachings that are contrary to that of daas torah; which if I were made aware of it l’chatchila I would […]

Birthday party during 3 weeks

Question: Dear Rabbi My son’s first birthday falls within the three weeks of mourning. Am I permitted to have a party for him without music or should I wait? Thank you in advance Answer: It is permitted to make a birthday party during the three weeks but not during the nine days. Mazal Tov Sources: […]

New Aron Kodesh for the Shul

Question: The Shul that i daven at is getting a new, big, beautiful Aron Kodesh. Is there a Chiuv to say Shehechiyanu by the Tzibbur, the Gabbai (who invests his life into the shul), or the Rav? Answer: Since the Aron Hakodesh is benefiting a number of people the correct bracha would hatov v’hameitiv. Regarding […]

Removing a Tic from body on Shabbos.

Question: Hello, A child is is found with a tic attached to its skin on Shabbos, is it permissible to remove the tic, which according to the medical profession may carry a risk of spreading serious disease. The removal process will entail a possibility, but not a certainty of i. Killing the tic, or removing […]