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Possible lashon hara in blog comments and what to do exactly?

Question: Shalom aleichem kavod harav, I’m a middle-aged woman with a frum blog featuring articles relating to emuna & charedi politics & social issues from a frum perspective. I have a very strict comment policy openly stated on the blog, which among other things, prohibits any kind of lashon hara. The thing is, sometimes people comment using their real […]

Baking Parve in a Fleishig Oven and eating it with dairy

Question: Shalom, What needs to be done when using a fleishig oven, in order to keep the keili parve and so the food willl be: 1 – parve and can be eaten with dairy 2 – parve but can’t be eaten with dairy Thank you! Answer: You can eat the cake with dairy if the […]

Halachik Will – clause to insert into “standard” wills

Question: I was referred to Rabbi Flegg by a friend who said that Rabbi Flegg had provided a clause to insert to a “standard” will to make it halachikally valid. I am seeking such a clause. Answer: To contact R’ Flegg try e-mailing him directly at [email protected]. Best  Wishes  

Maaser from canceled torah study subscripton.

Question: I subscribed to receive a weekly torah study booklet (Chayenu) but was forced to cancel the subscription a few weeks in due to certain circumstances. Can the money i paid for the year subscription be taken off my maaser money being that i will not receive the booklets anymore and the money was technically […]

Is it true not to let a baby looks at itself in a mirror before its teeth start to come out?

Question: Is it true that it is not proper to let a baby looks at itself in a mirror before its teeth start to come out? Thank you very much Answer: It is definitely not a halacha, however it seems that this is a minhag among many people. The source of this minhag is not […]

Can one make a charity donation with a credit card and ask for change. Is this ribbis?

Question: Can one make a charity donation with a credit card and ask for change [bec he wants cash now] or is this ribbis [getting cash now paying more later]? Answer: If he is going to give the donation regardless if he gets the change or not, then it is permitted and not ribbis. For […]

Davening for cholim and saying tehillim at night

Question: Hi, I’ve learned that we are not supposed to recite tehillim after sunset, and was wondering if this extends to davening for cholim as well, or if it’s specific to tehillim? I try to say tehillim every day in the zechut of cholim, those in need of a shidduch, etc. And find that sometimes […]

Varying the amount of Shacharit said at home (for women)

Question: Shalom & thank you very much for this wonderful site. I’m a married woman with children. Sometimes I take upon myself to daven a full Shacharit, which takes me around 45 minutes. I’ve done this for the month of Elul, or simply because I have the time and find it meaningful. But then my […]

Women’s Kabbalat Shabbat

Question: A group of women would like to do a Women’s only Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat in a synagogue hall , is this allowed? Some communities do allow it however, I have come to realise that a community may do it but it doesn’t mean it’s correct. Answer: My apologies that it took some time […]

May a her attend a relatives funeral who is not Jewish.

Question: May a ger attend a relative’s funeral who is not Jewish? What about a Church funeral? What if it’s not a relative? What if it’s open casket? Thank you very much for your time. Answer: You are allowed to attend their funeral, even if they are not your relative, however if it is in […]

Nazir permitted or required to drink wine after Nazirus

Question: Is the Nazir at the end of his term permitted or required to drink wine? Answer: He has to cut his hair at the end of his nezirus, because that is part of his korban process, as the hair was put on to the mizbeach . However regarding drinking wine, it seems that he […]

Ice cube maker for meat and milk.

Question: Hi Rabbi! I have a silicon/plastic ice cube tray (pareve), freeze liquid whey or ice coffee (milchigs), 1) What’s the status of the tray regarding the din of Kovush? 2) Can I still use them for ice that I will eventually eat in a meat meal? Thanks!   Answer: Frozen items are not considered […]

Maaser Kesafim for a needy Kallah

Question: Dear Rabbi I know of a situation where an orphan is about to become a Kallah. The orphanage as her family are paying for all her wedding expenses. Her wedding will take place this Sunday, June 16th, The staff and housemother are shopping with her for everything needed for the wedding and to set […]

Is there a misha para for withdrawing from the sale of a house?

Question: Dear Rabbonim, I agreed to sell a house at a certain price by negotiation mostly on WhatsApp. The buyer who is also Jewish told me that he wanted to send round a structural engineer and a mortgage valuer as he was applying for bridging finance to buy my house. He also wrote that the […]

Brochos for someone incontinent

Question: I know someone who has a medical shaila about a person who wears diaper r”l because they don’t have any feeling when they have to use the bathroom (gedolim). How should the choleh be noheg when it comes to making brachos? The choleh only realizes in the bathroom that he is dirty because it […]

Is it stealing to go to your cousins party and bring food home.

Question: Is it stealing to go to your cousins party and bring food home. The family doesn’t mind if others take it and people take home food. I don’t know if they say it explicitly but that is the strong assumption. Answer: This is something that depends on numerous factors, but largely it depends if […]

What to say shavuos morning after up all night

Question: On shavuos morning when you stay up all night which brachos does one say? Answer: You can say most of the brachos except for Elokai Neshoma and Hava’avir Sheyno, because we didn’t yet get a new neshoma, and we have not ha our sleep removed from our eyes. Regarding al netilas yodayim, since according […]

onion dice/slice with milchig and fleishig knife

Question: hi! i started slicing a onion with a fleishig knife and by mistake continued with a milchig knife, whats the status of the onion? the milchig knife? and does the same apply for dicing an onion? Answer: Before answering your question, the poskim advise to get into the habit of only using a pareve […]

Washing hands after scratching scalp or changing a daiper

Question: Is it necessary to wash netillat yadayim every time I scratch my head, or is it sufficient to wash before tefilloh or eating? I have an itchy scalp, and would find myself constantly running to wash my hands all day, or sitting in discomfort trying not to touch my head. I am also at […]

What can a non-Jew do with Jewish customs?

Question: a non-Jew can do the prayers of the siddur, make brachot of food or do the service of the Sabbath? Answer: It is nice to see that there are gentiles that want to have a relationship with G-d and pray to him. G-d accepts the prayers of all, in fact when King Solomon inaugurated […]

Loan to be repaid from inheritance

Question: Hi, If a loan was written up between two siblings while their parents were alive with interest stipulated in the loan (they were unaware that it was Assur), with the agreement that the loan and interest will be repaid from the borrowers portion of the inheritance, now when parents were niftar but the yerusha […]

Having a aino yehudi move burnt out candles on Shabbos

Question: Thanks for this wonderful site and all the Torah it offers. I will be making a simchas in a simcha hall Friday night where all guests will light candles. At the end of the seudah once the candles have burnt out may I ask the AY waiter to move the burnt out candles to […]

“Today is day nothing” (Nidah Question)

Question: I’m having a hard time emotionally/hormonally and I’m in the middle of shiva nekiiym. In an angry fit to myself, I thought to myself: “today is day nothing”. (BH I have very good shalom bayis but I was just in a very bad state. ) As I got to the end of the thought […]

Is seeing a therapist kosher – in general?

Question: Dear Rabbis, I see that aspects of seeing a psychotherapist (particularly the potential yihud issue) have been discussed here before, but I wanted to ask more generally if there are halachic issues around this pratice’s permissibility. I am currently seeing a therapist for an anxiety issue that results in occasional panic attacks. My doctor […]

Hot Meat sauce splattered onto cold dairy pan

Question: Some hot meat sauce from a bubbling meat pan on stove splattered and landed on a cold dairy empty frying pan nearby (the splattered sauce was about the size of 50 cent coin), the dairy pan had been used within 24 hours but only for parve eggs not for dairy. What is the status […]