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Shabbos – Mechanical Refrigerator

Question: Ha Rav, we have a mechanical refrigerator. If we wait until the compressor starts, we will have to wait around an hour to prepare for Kiddush/meal. What should we do in order not to be mechalel Shabbos?   Answer:  I don’t know what you mean by a mechanical refrigerator. There are however a number […]

Divorcee then widower – what is my status

Question: Good day, I was a divorcee and then remarried and my husband passed away. Is my current marital status a widower and am I still considered a divorcee?   Answer: Thank you for your question. This sounds unfortunate, but as for now your halachic status would still be divorced, even though you are also […]

Shabbos – Borer with plasticware

Question: Ha Rav, I selected what I thought was two forks but ended up with two forks and a knife. I have forks, knives and spoons separated in a standing divider. The knives are behind the forks. I had no intention to use the knife for immediate use. Did I break Shabbos?   Answer:  Hello, […]

Shloshim when shiva started before the burial

Question: Hi Rav, I have a unique situation. My Mother passed away on Tu BiShvat this year, Sunday night. We buried my Mother in Israel on Tuesday night. We had a levaya where my Family attended in USA. My Father (Badel LaChaim) stayed in USA and started Shiva then with some of my siblings. I […]

Shabbos – wiping your lips after eating beets

Question: Ha Rav, We ate beets and when we wiped our lips, the beet color went on the plain white napkin, did we break Shabbos?   Answer: Thank you for your question. One may wipe any dirt or blood, or the colored food on his lips with a napkin, tissue, or gauze pad, without any […]

Can an 8 year old boy be motzei his sister (13 years old) in shabbos kiddish?

Question: Hi can a 8 year old boy be motzei his sister (13 years old) in shabbos kiddish? Thank you   Answer: Hi, A child cannot be motzei his adult sibling or any other adult. The reason is because there is a rule that only a person who is obligated to do a certain mitzva […]

Ground vs instant coffee on Shaboss

Question: Shalom rav, I heared that one should be Makpid not to make Ground coffee on shaboss since it’s bishul. But we hold one can make instant coffee. My questions is what is the difference between instant and ground coffee, as they are both roasted? I did a lot of research and ground coffee is […]

Seeking help from HR regarding racist behaviour of coworker

Question: I worked in a multicultural office funded by federal funds to administer a govt. program. One of my coworkers constantly said derogatory comments about a specific racial group. This racial group were clients of the program as well as coworkers. She would accuse this group of taking advantage of the program. Many racial groups […]

Traveling for work and pleasure

Question: Hi, If I travel somewhere for the sake of both work and pleasure, can I incorporate this into a travel expense to calculate ma’aserable income? I wouldn’t travel for pleasure alone, nor for work alone — only for the option of both (the travel is difficult physically).   Answer: Thank you for your question. […]

מים אחרונים

Question: לאחרונה יצא מים אחרונים קטן בקבוק שמשפריץ (כדי להחזיק בכיסכל הזמן ) והשאלה האם אין בזה בעיה כי זה משפריץ ויכול ליזול מים אחרונים על הסביבה (ולמה)   Answer: שלום, מה שנוגע בידים הוא המים אחרונים אבל מה שמשפריץ ולא נוגע באצבעות, אינו מים אחרונים וממילא אין בזה כל בעיה. כל טוב Sources:  

Taking Pill out of Package on Shabbos

Question: I take a blood thinner pill for my heart. The pills are enclosed 7 to a “page”. To take out a pill, one normally pops the pill through the backing thereby squashing the aluminum encasing. Can this be done on Shabbos if it may cause wording on the backing to be torn – an […]

Forgot to light neirot for Shabbos, what do I do as a guest?

Question: Hi, my wife forgot to light shabbos candles this past week. I would just like to know if we must light am extra candle every week.(we have 2 kids so we light 4 candles every shabbos).also should we take it om as a bli neder in case we out and we only have to […]