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In terms of your tag gentile-on-shabbos how can we know he is a gentile?

Question: B S D In terms of your tag gentile-on-shabbos how can we know he is a gentile? An example might be: “A gentile employee of a hotel heats water for coffee on Shabbos, can a Jew use the hot water on Shabbos?” Suppose such a situation occurs. Maybe he only looks like a gentile. […]

Changing Tzitzit for Shabbat

Question: It seems that many achronim say that undergarments would not need to be switched, for kavod shabbat. Would this include a tallis katan worn under one’s regular clothes, or is there a kiyum of kavod shabbat that is more than underwear/undershirt/sock? Would a tallis gadol ideally need to be switched, even though it’s just […]

Do we owe them money?

Question: We owned an apartment that was rented out We had terrible complaints from the downstairs neighbors about continual leaks until we finally replaced all the plumbing a year later we sold the apartment the buyers renovated completely Now they have 2 complaints A. Since our tenants didn’t paint the walls before vacating the apartment (partly […]

B S D Minimum material for tallis gadol begged

Question: B S D Shalom Dinonline,, What are the minimum requirements for the main material in the begged of a tallis gadol (not asking about the corners, but rather the rest of the begged)? Could the begged be made of “fishnet”, for instance? Thank you for your help. Raphael Gellar in Haifa Attached: Attached file […]

Walkng while saying Asher Yotzar

Question: I’m learning the laws of Tefillah and currently siman 94 of Orach Chaim. I learnt that in some circumstances it is better to daven while travelling with a settled mind than to daven quickly while distracted before rushing off to a journey. I have a related question about Asher Yatzar (although the same question […]

Yaakov Avinu and Shechem

Question: After Shimon and Levi killed all the men of Shchem, Yaakov Avinu was afraid and he said, “I will be annihilated.” Why is this not considered “opening one’s mouth to the Satan,” as Yaakov was saying a curse on himself? Answer: You are asking a very interesting question, and I don’t have a good […]

Yichud during an x-ray or MRI

Question: When undergoing an X-ray or cat-scan which requires being alone in a room with the female technician, what should one do to avoid transgressing the prohibition of yichud? Even if one’s wife or friend is with him, they cannot be in the actual room due to harmful radiation. Answer: Depending on the circumstances, if […]

sheker l’toeles vs geneivas daas

Question: How to we reconcile sheker l’toeles vs geneivas daas if we don’t want to hurt someones feelings? EG 1. A non-frum family members invites us to events, or encourages us to visit but we don’t want to associate with people they hang out them (and even minimize contact do the negative spiritual impact they […]

Bracha length or Borei Nefashos

Question: Shalom, What is the Gedder in Bracha Ketzara and Arucha? Is there a minimum length of words? In regards to Borei Nefashos, the length of the Bracha is relatively short and yet it still has a Chasima. If you could offer some clarity I would appreciate it. Also even though there is a debate […]

Non-Jewish stores in Israel opening on Shabbat

Question: B S D Shalom Dinonline, An issue raised by one political party in the present Israel Elections is the right of store owners in Israel to open their stores on Shabbat. >> Please consider the case of a non-Jewish store owner in Israel all of whose employees who would work on Shabbat are also […]

Why do I have difficulties?

Question: Why do you think that a person like me, a baalas teshuva, who never really felt an attachment to the secular path, have to be faced by G-d with difficulties/battles to reach the level of spirituality/observant life. “Not questioning G-d and only for understanding purposes asked” and others be simply inserted into religious homes […]

Shinui makom from car to house

Question: If one begins eating while driving and then arrives at the driveway of his house and then goes into his house, is this considered to be a shinui makom of room to room or house to house for the purpose of whether the original bracha would still be in effect should he choose to […]

Yerusha from mother’s ownership

Question: Hi. I have a question about yerusha of mother/wife. Scenario: most properties etc of the parents are in both of their names. There are also two properties of which one is solely in father’s name and the other solely in the mother’s. Father passed away without a will. Can the mother make a secular will […]

Photos with names of G’d

Question: BS”D Shalom my dear Rabbi, Question: If a person put a photo in cel phone that contains a divine name, it can delete? or he has to put in the cell phone guenizah? Answer: You are asking an important question that is very applicable nowadays.  Please permit me to however to add to your […]

Removing hair from brush on Shabbos

Question: On Shabbos, may one remove hair entangled in brush on when it interferes with use of the brush? Answer: You should not remove the hair from it on Shabbos. If the brush has hairs entangled in it, this means that when it is used it pulls out hairs, therefore it should not be used […]

I made pizza from a bread.

Question: BS”D Shalom dear Rabbi, Question: I got a loaf of bread and made a pizza, put cheese and tomato on top, which brachar should I make Chamotzi? Answer:  Yes, the bracha is still hamotzei, because it is still halachically considered bread. If the pieces would be smaller than a k’zayis and the pieces would […]

Shecheyanu on different variety of fruit

Question: I have eaten bananas within the last year. However, there is a special variety of bananas that I have not eaten within the last year. Do I need to make a shecheyanu when eating this special variety? Does the same apply to different varieties of all other fruits and vegetables? Answer: If it has […]

Demanding Registered business

Question: In Israel, there was a difficult situation where a self-employed person was did some short term work. The person wanted to be paid “off the books” in Israel. The company demanded a chesbonit mas (tax invoice) from the guy who didn’t want to be “legal” and register as an osek patur/osek murashe with the […]

disposing of kiddush cups

Question: Hello, Thank you for your help. What is the proper disposal of plastic kiddush cups and plastic plates used to hold bread during Shabbat? Thanks. Answer: You can throw them both out in the garbage and there is no need to do anything special with them. Although it is preferred not to throw out […]

Sale of a home in which I lived

Question: Is the mortgage interest that I paid over the years that I owned my house deductible from the sales proceeds to calculate the profit on the sale. Please cite sources. Thank you. Answer: The general rule regarding calculating is that you may take of any “business expense” that was incurred in order to run […]