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Saying Shalom without a Kippah Yarmalke

Question: Can I say Shalom, shalom aliechem or on shabbos Shabbat shalom to someone not wearing a Kippah which will cause them to reply shalom, aliechem shalom or Shabbat shalom – shalom being one of Hashem’s names without a Kippah? Does it make any difference if they are mesoriti, chiloini or arab? Thank you Answer: […]

When will be the Yorzeit of my Friend?

Question: Re: When will be the Yorzeit of my Friend: after 11th months of His physical expiration, or after 12 months. I’d est: on Av 17th, 5781. Highly Esteemed Rabbonim of the Din Online: …My Friend ascended onto Heavens (physically expired) during previous summer… On Av 17th, 5781… And it is the first year without […]

My Christian High School

Question: I’m really confused about religion. My ancestors were Jewish but my parents and grandparents were raised atheist and had no religious education because they lived in the Soviet Union, which had a policy of State Atheism. They identify as Jewish because “Jewish” was considered a race in the Soviet Union, was documented as such […]

Embarrassing someone to stop lashon hara or slander

Question: Are you allowed to embarrass someone, if they publicly slandered and gossiped about someone and you want to rebuke the speaker in the same public fashion and put doubt in the mind of the audience? What takes precedence? I always try to steer clear of embarrassing people publicly. But is there an exception in […]

Worker wants to violate signed agreement regarding payment time

Question: BACKGROUND: 1. I founded and operate a vocational nonprofit 2. Unskilled, adults (18+, some are special needs who legally can sign the contract) workers are paid during training in completing jobs for and by the organization 3. The workers work various lengths of time and/or days at the worker’s convenience or based on the […]

Deciding to eat a Ke’baitza in middle of meal

Question: If someone initially planned to not each a ke’beitza so he washed without a beracha, but during the meal decides to each a Ke’beitza, does he have to wash with a beracha at that point?   Answer: Thank you for your question. He does not wash with a bracha, in fact he doesn’t wash […]

Missed two teffilas due to being sick with the flu.

Question: Hi, I am sick with the flu. Due to this, unfortunately, I missed Mincha yesterday, and Maariv last night. I feel very guilt as I cannot remember ever another time where I missed 2 tefillos in a row. Is there a way to do tashlumim for 2 tefillos this morning at shacharis? If not, […]

Pet in need of expensive medical procedure

Question: My daughter’s guinea pig needs a medical procedure (and possibly subsequent procedures as well) that will cost thousands of dollars. Otherwise, it will continue (increasingly) to suffer until it dies. What are my moral obligations in this regard? I do have the money to pay for the procedure, but I also know that I […]

Gluten-free cakes and bishul akum

Question: Gluten-free cakes (Pesach non-gebrokt) for Sfardim or Gra, Does not have flour, would fall under בישול and not אפיה and would require all of the stringies of בישול?   Answer: Thank you for your question. What you are writing is partially correct. Cakes or “bread” that is not from the five grains, baked by […]

Mourning- shloshim

Question: May I wear makeup and/or jewelry during shloshim for a parent?   Answer: Hamakom Yinachem eschem b’toch shar aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim. Wearing jewelry or applying makeup essentially is included in the prohibition not to anoint or shower during aveilus. However, there are certain women who are an exception to the rule. A married woman, […]


Question: DO I HAVE TO BE WORRIED ABOUT KILAYIM IN CHUTZ LARETZ   Answer: Kilayim applies in chut laaretz in a limited form. Essentially there are three different types of kilayim, klayim of trees, kilayim of vineyards, and kilayim of seeds. In Chutz Laaretz one may plant different seeds of different vegetables in close proximity […]

Late for shacharis

Question: If you arrive late for shacharis so start pesukei d’zimra from ashrei and then finish pesukei d’zimra before the chazan gets to Yishtabach/Baruch hu, can you go back and say the beginning of pesukei d’zimra that you missed?   Answer: Thank you for your question. Before getting to your actual question, it is important […]

Do we need to say birkas ha-torah before Shacharis?

Question: do we need to do birkas ha-torah before shacharis? Or just before learning?   Answer: Thank you for your question. We should say Birkas Hatorah before learning davening shacharis or even saying selichos, or other pesukim. Best wishes Sources:  שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הלכות ברכות השחר ושאר ברכות סימן מו סעיף ט וז”ל “לא […]

Buying new clothes during sefira

Question: Can a person buy new clothes during sefira?   Answer: Thank you for your question. It is permitted to buy clothing that one will not make a shehechiyanu on them, such as sock, underwear, shoes, etc. Regarding clothing that expensive and prominent, that a person would make a shehechiyanu on them. There are some […]

Deodorant and psik reisha

Question: Thank you so very much for responding to my question about applying deodorant on Shabbos. If I understood correctly what the Rav explained, how would any deodorant application (spray or liquid) to the underarm be permissible on Shabbos? Don’t all modern arm seams reach to the bottom of the arm, so by definition, […]

Dancing and music the night of Lag B’omer

Question: Based on the Rama and Mishna Berura, it seems to me that it is forbidden to dance and have music the night of Lag B’Omer (even in honor of Rashb”i). Yet, in chassidic seforim the night of Lag B’Omer is a time of celebration. Therefore, it appears that those that do not follow chassidic […]

Benefitting from melacha on Shabbos

Question: Hi! An interesting question happened at my shul a few months ago which could likely happen again and would like to know the Halacha. In the morning when everyone walked to shul it was beautiful and sunny and hours later it began to rain hard. While people were waiting for the rain to let […]