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Question: What is the status in regards to dowsing in halacha. Could you perhaps write an article about it, or if you have please send me the relevant link   Answer: Using a pendulum is very controversial, with numerous poskim saying that it is permitted and nunerous poskim saying that it isn’t permitted. There are […]

Kibud av v’em regarding my child’s education

Question: Hi Rabbi, If my parent tells me to educate my children a certain way and I don’t agree with it, must I listen to them anyway? What if their opinion conflicts with what my spouse feels as well is best for our children? Thank you   Answer: Thank you for your question. It is […]

Follow up on hatoras nedarim: Part 3

Question: Thank you, this is a follow up to part 2 of our hatoras nedarim correspondence: 1) Not learning during chazoras hashatz is something that I just did rather than a kabbalah that I said – would this be included in the original hatora where I spoke about learning commitments? 2) By false pretenses, I’m not referring […]

Follow up to hatoras nedarim question | Part 2

Question: Thank you. This is a follow up to your most recent response regarding hatoras nedarim ( 1) According to your response it sounds like the hatoras nedarim would not have annulled my kabola of not learning (or any other distraction) during kaddish & chazaras hashatz etc (as whilst I made reference to learning commitments […]

Living with a non religious relative

Question: A close family member (17 years old) who was in a bad situation moved in with me recently. I know I am doing the right thing, providing a safe stable place for this person and being them mekarev. The person is not frum anymore. They agreed to respect my standards in the kitchen etc […]

Is my pareve soup now fleishig?

Question: Mixed cold pareve soup (call it container number one) with same spoon that mixed a different container of cold left over pareve soup which had been warmed in meaty microwave (container number 2). Does that make container number one only allowed to warm on meaty side? I had planned to warm container one with […]

Re: the decoration of the kipa by the precious stones.

Question: Re: the decoration of the kipa – yermulka by the precious stones. Dear Dinonline: There is a question I was contemplating for quite some time and, finally, had decided to ask You… Namely: Is it possible to decorate kipa (kipot – scull hat) with the jewelry? With the sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, for example (with […]

Putting a plug which is coming out of the socket back into into the socket

Question: Kovod harav If I have a plug to my fan which is partially coming out of the outlet but it’s still in the outlet, can I push that plug firmly back into the outlet? Answer: Thank you for your question. It isn’t clear from your question, what your case is and why you want […]

Secretly recording private conversations

Question: Hi, I was wondering what is the halachic position on secretly recording a private phone conversation? I believe in secular US and Australian law it is generally illegal, but in secular Israeli law it is legal. A follow up question is would information gleaned from a secretly recorded conversation be admissible in Beis Din? […]

Follow up to hatoras nedarim question

Question: Thank you very much for your service – this is a big to’eles! This is a follow up to my original question which you answered here: 1) Did the fact that I described the (possible) nedarim/minhagim tovim in general terms before the hatoras nedarim, help make the hatoras nedarim valid? I was embarrassed to […]

Apartments on top of Aron Kodesh.

Question: I have recently taken over a 90 year old shul which is in the basement of a building in Yerushalayim. We were thinking about getting a new Aron Kodesh and changing it’s location in the shul (along with changing the location of the women’s section). There are 4 floors of apartments above the Shul, […]

Why do Jews worship Israel?

Question: Why do Jews worship Israel? Simple question Thanks   Answer: Thank you for the question. Here’s a simple answer, the Jews do not worship Israel. Although the Jews believe that there is a certain holiness to the land of Israel, we definitely do not and are not allowed to worship anything except G-d Himself. […]

Milchig Fleishig dishwashers.

באר משה (ח”ז קו”ע סי’ ס’, ריח הבשם פרק ג’ הע’ ל”ד) – “אסור להשתמש במדיח כלים לכלים בשריים וגם לכלים חלביים אלא צריך ליחד את המדיח הכלים רק לכלי בשר או לכלי חלבי”. הגר’ הענקין זצ”ל (ריח הבשם פרק ג’ הע’ ל”ד) – “שאסור להקל בדבר”. הגריש”א זצ”ל (אבני ישפה ח”ג סוף סי’ ע”א, […]